Lucía Pinochet

Lucía Pinochet

Inés Lucía Pinochet Hiriart (born December 14 1943) is the eldest daughter of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and Lucía Hiriart de Pinochet.

Under indictment for tax fraud, Pinochet traveled to the United States in January 2006 where she appealed for political asylum, but was promptly deported back to Argentina, the nation where she had last resided. At her father's funeral in December 2006, she praised him for lighting a "flame of freedom" in September 1973, when he overthrew the government of Salvador Allende.

On September 13 2007, Pinochet announced her intention to run as independent for a seat in parliament for the 23rd district (Las Condes, Vitacura, Lo Barnechea). However, she was arrested in October 2007 in the frame of the Riggs case, along with Pinochet's four other children and Lucia Hiriart, and 17 other persons (including two generals, one of his ex-lawyer and his ex-secretary). They are charged of embezzlement and use of false passports, accused of having illegally transferred $27m13.2m) to foreign bank accounts during Pinochet's rule [ [ Pinochet family arrested in Chile] , "BBC", 4 October 2007 en icon] [ [ Cobertura Especial: Detienen a familia y principales colaboradores de Pinochet] , "La Tercera", 4 October 2007 es icon] .


External links

* [ News of her case]
* [ Overview of her case]
* [ Interview]

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