Chromo-Weibel instability

Chromo-Weibel instability

The Chromo-Weibel instability is a plasma instability present in homogeneous or nearly-homogeneous non-abelian plasmas which possess an anisotropy in momentum space. In the linear limit it is similar to the Weibel instability in electromagnetic plasmas but due to non-linear interactions present in non-abelian plasmas the late development of this instability is characterized by a turbulent cascade of modes. This instability is relevant in the understanding of the early-time dynamics of the quark-gluon plasma as produced in heavy-ion collisions.


*wikicite|id=mrowczynski|reference=S. Mrowczynski, "Color collective effects at the early stage of ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions", Phys. Rev. C49, 2191 (1994);
*wikicite|id=stricklandMT2006|reference=M Strickland, "The Chromo-Weibel instability", Braz. J. Phys. 37, 762 (2007);
*wikicite|id=arnoldmoore2005|reference=P. Arnold and G. Moore, "The Turbulent spectrum created by non-Abelian plasma instabilities", Phys. Rev. D73, 025013 (2006);

ee also

* Weibel Instability

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