Ed Kashi

Ed Kashi

Ed Kashi (born November 16, 1957) is an American photojournalist based in the Greater New York area. Kashi's award-winning work spans from high-end print photojournalism to experimental film. He is most noted for documenting contemporary sociopolitical issues. [http://www.digitalphotopro.com/art/in-the-thick-of-it-all_4.html In The Thick Of It All] ]

Ed Kashi's work on the plight of the Kurdish people and the impact of the oil industry upon the impoverished Niger Delta has provided extensive photojournalistic coverage of these global issues. In addition, he is known for his coverage of religious strife both in America and abroad. Most notable would be his work documenting the Protestant community in Northern Ireland, the lives of Jewish settlers in the West Bank, and the strife between the Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq.

Kashi is a co-founder of a non-profit multimedia company called Talking Eyes Media. [ [http://www.talkingeyesmedia.org Talking Eyes Media] ] Talking Eyes Media was created in 2002 as a means to deliver issue-orientated stories to the general public. Some of the stories covered by Talking Eyes Media/Ed Kashi are: "Aging in America" [ [http://www.michenermuseum.org/press/?item=2007-02-01 Michener Art Museum Presents Aging in America: The Years Ahead] ] , "Denied: The Crisis of America's Uninsured" and "The Sandwich Generation". "Aging in America" was further the subject of a book published by powerHouse books [ [http://www.powerhousebooks.com/inthepress/aginginamericaprreport.pdf "Aging in America"] ] and named by American Photo Magazine as one of the best photo books of 2003. "Aging in America" also received an award from Pictures of the Year, World Press Photo and two Freddie Awards (2005).

A leading pioneer of multimedia storytellingFact|date=December 2007, Kashi uses stills along with video and audio, putting him on the cutting edge of new media. His work appears on Mediastorm and msnbc.com. Kashi's innovative approach to photography and filmmaking produced the "Iraqi Kurdistan Flipbook" which premiered on msnbc.com in December 2006. [http://www.pdnonline.com/pdn/newswire/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003381885 Kashi's "Flip Book" Kurdistan Presentation Debuts On MSNBC] ] The Flipbook utilizes thousands of stills in a moving image format, layered with music to create a symphonic documentary. The Flipbook has been part of many film festivals across the world including Silverdocs (2007) and the Tiburon International Film Festival (2008).

Kashi has worked closely with National Geographic Society since 1990 and holds a degree in photojournalism from Syracuse University. [http://www.edkashi.com/ Ed Kashi bio] ] His clients include: "The New York Times Magazine", "Time Magazine", Mediastorm, Ford Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Geo, "Newsweek" and msnbc.com. Additionally, Ed continues to teach and lecture extensively.


*"Aging in America" (powerHouse books, 2003)
*"Denied: The Crisis of America's Uninsured" (Talking Eyes Media, 2003)
*"When the Borders Bleed: The Struggle of the Kurds" (Pantheon Books, 1994)
*"The Protestants: No Surrender" (Ed Kashi, 1991)
*"Curse of the Black Gold: 50 Years of Oil in the Niger Delta" (powerHouse books, 2008)


External links

* [http://www.edkashi.com Ed Kashi website]
* [http://curseoftheblackgoldbook.com "Curse of the Black Gold: 50 Years of Oil in the Niger Delta"]
* [http://www.msnbc.com/modules/flash_mediateam/aging_2003_launch/ Aging in America] at MSNBC.com
* [http://www.talkingeyesmedia.org Talking Eyes Media]
* [http://mediastorm.org/0011.htm "Iraqi Kurdistan Flipbook"]
* [http://mediastorm.org/0009.htm "The Sandwich Generation"]
* [http://mediastorm.org/0004.htm "Friends for Life"]

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