- Strophariaceae
name = Strophariaceae
image_caption =Wavy cap , "Psilocybe cyanescens"
regnum = Fungi
divisio =Basidiomycota
classis =Agaricomycetes
ordo =Agaricales
familia = Strophariaceae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Flammulaster " "Hypholoma " "Kuehneromyces " "Melanotus " "Pachylepyrium " "Phaeogalera " "Phaeomarasmius " "Pholiota " "Pleuroflammula " "Psilocybe " "Stropharia "The Strophariaceae is afamily offungi in the orderAgaricales . The species of Strophariaceae have a red-brown to dark brownspore print , while the spores themselves are smooth and have an apicalgerm pore . Theseagarics are also characterized by having a cutis-typepileipellis . Ecologically, all species in this group aresaprotrophs , growing on various kinds of decaying organic matter.Genera
* The genus "
Stropharia ", is mainly a medium to largeagaric with a distinct membranous annulus.Spore print -color is generally medium to dark purple-brown, except for a few species that have rusty-brown spores. There is a great deal of variation, however, since this groups as presently delimited ispolyphyletic . Members of the core clade of "Stropharia" are characterized by crystallineacanthocytes among the hyphae that make up therhizoids at the base of the mushroom.*The genus "
Hypholoma " (formerly "Naematoloma"), is mainly asaprobe on wood and often grows in caespitose clusters.Spore print varies from medium brown to purple brown. These species all share asubcutaneous layer of inflated cells.*The genus "
Pholiota " is characterized by a dull brown to cinnamon brown spore print. A well-known edible species is the Japanese Nameko mushroom ("Pholiota nameko")*The genus "
Psilocybe " is well-known for itspsychedelic mushroom s, such as "Psilocybe cubensis ". The blue-staining hallucinogenic species of "Psilocybe" and the non-bluing species of this genus are not directly related to one another, making this genuspolyphyletic . Unlike most groups within the Strophariaceae, "Psilocybe" do not havechrysocystidia on the surface of theirlamellae .External links
* [http://www.mushroomexpert.com/strophariaceae.html MushroomExpert.com - Taxonomy in Transition: The Strophariaceae]
* [http://www.mushroomexpert.com/stropharia.html MushroomExpert.com - Stropharia and Psilocybe]
* [http://www.mushroomexpert.com/hypholoma.html MushroomExpert.com - The Genus Hypholoma]
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