Infobox Weapon
caption=LAROMs during a military exercise
type=Multiple Rocket Launcher
length=7.35 m
width=2.40 m
height=3.10 m
weight=13.7 tonnes
primary_armament=LAR Mk.4 160mm rockets
secondary_armament=122mm rockets
vehicle_range=The LAROM is a
Romania n modern, highly mobile, native-mademultiple rocket launcher , based on a DAC-25.360 six-by-six truck, in service with theRomanian Land Forces . Currently, there are 24 systems in service, all operated by the 8th Mixed Artillery Brigade. The LAROM can operate with the standard 122mm rockets, as well as with the more advanced 160mm ones, within a range between 20-45km. The GRAD 122mm rocket is used to suppress and annihilate concentrated targets and has a 18kg HE warhead, a range of about 20km and can be fired in salvos of up to 2 rounds/second. The LAR Mk IV 160mm rockets employ composite solid propellants. Wraparound stabilizing fins deploy when the rocket exits the launcher. The Mk IV rocket can have an HE-COFRAM type or a cluster warhead. A remotely set electronic time fuze opens the canister at the appropriate height to give area coverage of about 31,400 m2 for each cluster warhead. The LAR Mk IV has a minimum range of 10 km and maximum range of 45 km and can be fired in salvos of up to 1 round/1,8 seconds.The standard launch pod containers hold 13 LAR Mk IV rockets or 20 GRAD rockets, with two pods on a launcher.
ee also
BM-21 ;
*RM-70 ;
*M77 LRSV ;Gallery
External links
* [http://www.mapn.ro/eveniment/2007/200707/20070714/documentar.doc LAROM's description on Romanian Ministry of Defense oficial website]
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