- Upper Karroo Sandstone Formation
The Upper Karroo Sandstone Formation is a
geological formation dating to roughly between 200 to 175 million years ago and covering part of theEarly Jurassic . The Upper Karoo Sandstone Formation is found inZimbabwe and is a member of theKarroo Group . As its name suggests, it is comprised partly ofsandstone . Fossils of theprosauropod dinosaur "Massospondylus " have been recovered from the Upper Karroo Sandstone.References
* [http://paleodb.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?action=displayStrata&group_hint=Karroo&group_formation_member=Upper%20Karroo%20Sandstone Upper Karroo Sandstone Formation] , from the Paleobiology Database
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