- Horizon Middle School (Kissimmee, Florida)
Horizon Middle School is a middle school in Kissimmee,
Florida (USA. It is operated by the .It is located at 2020 Ham Brown Road. It has a student body of approximately 1,600 students. The school's mascot is the
eagle . The principal is Michael Allen, and the assistant principals are known as Mr. Hague and Mrs. Henninger. It has many divisions such as Chorus, Band, Drama, and Technology. Students are not forced into these courses or divisions, because they are mostly electives and students choose their electives at the beginning of each year or at the end of the previous year.Required Classes
The required classes in Horizon, just as any other middle school, are Language Arts, Math, Reading, and Social Studies/Geography. They are all divided into regular, advanced, and honors classes except for Reading and Math. Reading has no honors class, and math has regular, advanced, Pre-Algebra 1 and 2 and Algebra 1 and Geometry
The purpose of this course is to provide students with mathematic manipulatives, hands-on activities, critical thinking and problem solving, and real life applications of all mathematics. Students will be exposed to a variety of mathematical experiences including: fractions, decimals, percents, and integers, solving equations, geometry, probability, statistics and functions.
Language Arts
The purpose of this course is to analyze literature and non-fiction selections, and connect their reading to real-life situations through written responses to their reading. In language arts, most classes of students create and maintain a portfolio collection of writing. They prepare for the eighth grade Florida Writing Assessment test by writing focused and developed multi-paragraph essays with expanded vocabulary and effective transitions.There also is a high school credit course class, English I.
Eighth graders develop and deliver persuasive oral speeches and presentations, either individually or in groups. In the area of research, students investigate a subjects and create a written product using several appropriate resource materials. The purpose of this course is to develop higher order thinking and communications skills necessary for success in the future.
ocial Studies/Geography
The purpose of this course is to experience American history and the history of other countries.
The objective of the Reading Program is to develop and refine the student's skills and abilities, while encompassing basic reading skills necessary to prepare for the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). The material will reflect diverse cultures, current events, technology, and also incorporate academic subject areas such as science, math, and social studies. Literature will include mysteries, historical fiction, fantasy, non-fiction and biographies.
The subject of science varies throughout the grades. Sixth grade is Life Science, Seventh grade is Earth Science, and Eighth grade is Physical Science. Science not only has its regular courses but it also has the high school class called Physical Science.
External links
* [http://www.hms.osceola.k12.fl.us Horizon Middle School in Kissimme, FL]
* [http://www.osceola.k12.fl.us Osceola County Public Schools]
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