

Fibro, the shortened form of "Fibrous Cement" - or "Fibrous Asbestos Cement", FAC, is a building material made of compressed fibres cemented into rigid sheets. [ [ B.A.Group - Glossary ] ]

While "Fibro" has been used in a number of countries, it is in Australia where its use was the most widespread. Manufactured and sold by James Hardie until the mid 1980s "Fibro" in all its forms was a very popular building material. The fibres involved were almost always Asbestos based. The use of "Fibro" have since been banned in several countries, including Australia itself, due to its asbestosis- and mesothelioma-causing Asbestos content.

Products Used In The Building Industry

*Flat sheets for house walls and ceilings were usually 6 mm and 4.5 mm thick, in 900 and 1200 widths and from 1800 to 3000 long.
*Battens 50 mm wide x 8 mm thick. Used to cover the joints in the sheets.
*Super Six corrugated roof sheeting and fencing.
*Internal wet area sheeting, "Tilux"
*Pipes of various sizes for water and drainage.
*Moulded products from plant pots to cable pits.

ee also

*Fiber cement siding replaced the asbestos sheeting in the 1980s.


External links

* [ Advice if you have FAC in your home]

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  • Fibro — GmbH Rechtsform GmbH Gründung 1958 Sitz Weinsberg …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • fibro- — ♦ Élément, de fibre : fibro cartilagineux. fibro élément, de fibre. ⇒FIBRO , élém. de compos. Premier élém. de compos. de mots sc. (anat. et pathol.) ou techn., subst. et adj., désignant ou qualifiant une composition, une substance fibreuse. A.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • fibro — v. fibră. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN  FIBR(O) /FIBRI elem. fibră . (< fr. fibr/o/ , fibri , cf. lat. fibra) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN  FIBRO elem. fibr(o) . Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa …   Dicționar Român

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