light industry — see under ↑industry • • • Main Entry: ↑light * * * noun [noncount] : the production of small goods that will be sold to the people who use them rather than to another manufacturer compare ↑heavy industry * * * ˌlight ˈindustry [light industry] … Useful english dictionary
light industry — ➔ industry * * * light industry UK US noun [C or U] PRODUCTION ► industries that manufacture small equipment, clothing, electronics, etc.: »One area has numerous coal fired power plants and high levels of air pollution, the other is an area with… … Financial and business terms
light industry — n [U and C] industry that produces small goods, for example computers, in small factories using light machinery →↑heavy industry … Dictionary of contemporary English
light industry — light industries N VAR Light industry is industry in which only small items are made, for example household goods and clothes … English dictionary
light industry — noun uncount industry in which small goods are produced, for example things that you use in the house ─ compare HEAVY INDUSTRY … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
light industry — ► NOUN ▪ the manufacture of small or light articles … English terms dictionary
light industry — industry that produces products for consumer use (such as paper, shoes, food, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
light industry — an industry in which the physical mass of raw materials used is relatively low. This can be misleading for an industry that uses large amounts of electricity drawn from a power grid rather than produced on site as it removes the need for fuel… … Geography glossary
light industry — noun (U) the part of industry which produces small goods, such as things used in the house lighting / laItIN/ noun (U) the lights that light a room, building, or street, or the quality of the light produced: Better street lighting might help to… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
light industry — UK / US noun [uncountable] economics industry in which small goods are produced, for example things that you use in the house See: heavy industry … English dictionary