Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute

Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute

The Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute ( [ BDRI] ) is an international center for research, education, and training in bottlenose dolphins ecology and behaviour.

BDRI members seek to contribute to the understanding and conservation of dolphins, expand the public's knowledge and concern for our marine environment, and add to the knowledge base of bottlenose dolphins through the sharing of collected field data. One of the core aims of the BDRI is to find out more about the bottlenose dolphins through different non-invasive research techniques.


Prior to 1999, there was very little known about the bottlenose dolphins off Sardinia Island (Mediterranean Sea Italy). To address this the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI) was established. BDRI members seek to contribute to the understanding and conservation of dolphins, expand the public's knowledge and concern for our marine environment, and add to the knowledge base of bottlenose dolphins through the sharing of collected field data.


Using study techniques that neither harm nor seriously disturb the animals, BDRI's researchers are engaged in the conduction of a long term study about the ecology and behaviour of a Mediterranean common bottlenose dolphin population ("Tursiops truncatus") along the northeastern coast of Sardinia, as well as collecting detailed information about their environment.cite journal| last=Díaz López| first=Bruno
coauthors= Shirai J.A.| year=2007| title= Marine aquaculture and bottlenose dolphins' (Tursiops truncatus) social structure| journal=Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology doi=10.1007/s00265-007-0512-1
] cite journal| last=Díaz López| first=Bruno| coauthors=Shirai J.A.| year=2006| title=Bottlenose dolphin ("Tursiops truncatus") presence and incidental capture in a marine fish farm on the north-eastern coast of Sardinia (Italy)| journal=Journal of Marine Biological Ass. UK| volume=87| pages=113117| doi=10.1017/S0025315407054215] cite journal| last=Díaz López| first=Bruno
coauthors= Bunke, M., Shirai, J.A.| year=2007| title= Marine aquaculture off Sardinia Island (Italy): ecosystem effects evaluated through a trophic mass-balance model| journal=Ecological Modelling doi=10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.10.028
] cite journal| last=Díaz López| first=Bruno| year=2006| title= Bottlenose Dolphin ("Tursiops truncatus") Predation on a Marine Fin Fish Farm: Some Underwater Observations| journal=Aquatic Mammals| volume=32| pages=305310| doi= 10.1578/AM.32.3.2006.305] A great opportunity is open for marine mammal enthusiasts to participate in handson research with free ranging wild bottlenose dolphins along the Emerald Coast, in North Sardinia Island, Italy. The project aims to study the surface and acoustic behaviour of Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins and the potential effects of human activities (fisheries, aquaculture and tourism) in their behaviour. This project will compare social and foraging strategies as adapted to habitat with land mammals that also have the flexibility to readily adapt to a variety of different ecologies, such as the great ape. This type of study, examining which animals change habitats and which do not, and looking at categories such as age, sex and relatedness, allows for an exploration of behavioural differences among members of one overall society or culture.

Disseminating the information from the BDRI is as important as collecting it in the first place, so that it may benefit as many dolphins as possible. The research team is dedicated to this goal, having produced numerous scientific publications, and through frequent public and professional presentations since 2004. Graduate student thesis research and training programs for scientists from other countries, internships, and students help to spread the information and techniques worldwide. Photoidentification of individuals, focal group and individual behavioural descriptions, respiratory patterns, underwater videofilming and behavioural descriptions form the key methods to answer questions surrounding the influence of human activities and the behavioural flexibility of these social mammals.

The main purpose of BDRI's research program is to contribute towards a more detailed understanding of the relationships between bottlenose dolphins and human activities. By knowing more about the presence and distribution of bottlenose dolphins it enables us to make more informed and wiser decisions about the conservation and management of this population.cite journal| last=Díaz López| first=Bruno| coauthors=Shirai J.A.| year=2006| title=Bottlenose dolphin ("Tursiops truncatus") presence and incidental capture in a marine fish farm on the north-eastern coast of Sardinia (Italy)| journal=Journal of Marine Biological Ass. UK| volume=87| pages=113117| doi=10.1017/S0025315407054215] A science based response to the conservation problems created by interactions between human activities and bottlenose dolphins depends critically on accurate knowledge of the impacts caused by the interactions. Because of the high degree of behavioural and social flexibility that bottlenose dolphins have demonstrated throughout their range, it is essential to understand factors effecting local dolphins if their populations are to be managed and conserved. Information on habitat use also seems applicable to coastal management plans. We suggest that the main management issues of this project relate to the dolphins habitats.


External links

* [ The Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI: Dolphins, Education and Research]

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