Revue de synthèse

Revue de synthèse

The journal "Revue de synthèse" was created by Henri Berr in 1900 under the title "Revue de synthèse historique". It has had a variety of editorial partners since its creation. It is currently published in paper and electronic version by the Springer Verlag publishing company in Paris.

Background of the journal

In 1900, Henri Berr founded the journal "Revue de synthèse historique" to respond to abuses of learning and compartmentalization among disciplines. A venue for interdisciplinary exchanges, particularly between philosophers and historians and between geographers and sociologists, the journal quickly gained legitimacy in the field of scholarly journals and wielded considerable influence in the emergence of a new history that was expressed with the creation of the encyclopaedic collection "L'Évolution de l'Humanité" run by Henri Berr himself and by Lucien Febvre, and then with the creation, in 1929, of " Annales d'histoire économique et sociale" by Lucien Febvre and Marc Bloch.

The Journal has been published under several series. From 1900 to 1913, the first of these was an expression of Henri Berrs initial project (see the program published in [ 1900] ). After ten years (see the overview written in [ 1910] ) and in tandem with the creation of the collection "L'Évolution de l'Humanité", the second series, published from 1913 to 1930, pursued the same objectives as "Revue de synthèse historique" (see the notice for the new series in [ 1913] ) and broadened them to include debates that were then surrounding reforms in the mathematical and physical sciences, philosophy and the history of science, and the development of new approaches to social sciences. The Journal became the mouthpiece of the [ Foundation] “Pour la scienceand of the "Centre international de synthèse", created in 1925 by Henri Berr. Some years later, it would be transformed into a third series, published from 1931 to 1985, entitled "Revue de synthèse" (seeAu bout de trente ans”, [ 1931] ).

It is still published under this title today. Its change of direction in 1931 was contemporary with the creation of "Annales". From this point on, "Revue de synthèse" welcomed pieces on philosophy, the history of science and the social and human sciences whereas the new journal looked at economic and social history. The fourth series was published, like its predecessor, in partnership with the Éditions Albin Michel publishing company, from 1986 to 2001. In a context where certainties surrounding economic and social history were disintegrating, it aimed to revive intellectual history and the history of science on the initiative of Jacques Roger, Ernest Coumet and Jean-Claude Perrot (seeAux lecteurs”, [ 1986] ). After sixteen years of collective work, it took up the journals original objective: finding a way to best express the agenda of history and the social sciences by subjecting it to the modern-day dictates of philosophical critique and the requirements of mathematical, physical and biological sciences. A fifth series appeared in partnership with the "Rue dUlm" publishing house at the Ecole normale supérieure and covered the years 2002 to 2006, continuing a long tradition of discreet and rigorous explorations of connections and encounters between separate but necessarily interactive disciplines and the contemporary critical review of sciences and social sciences (seeAux lecteurs”, [ 2002] ).

A century after its creation, "Revue de synthèse" ran an overview of changes in relations between disciplines and of technical and economic reforms specific to scientific publishing (texts published in [ 2004] , [ 2006] ). In 2007, a sixth series was opened in partnership with the Springer Verlag publishing company, extending its influence on the international scientific scene (see its presentation, [ 2007] ). “"We managed to produce the ideal journal"” wrote Henri Berr after just ten years “"that would continuously modernize and upgrade, while always doing its best in the right direction".

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"Revue de synthèse" describes its current activity in these terms:

Thanks to support from scholars in France and abroad, "Revue de synthèse" now welcomes pieces that deal with intellectual history, epistemology, philosophy, sociology, and economic, social, legal and cultural history. Its mission is to serve as a forum for discussions taking place at the crossroads between philosophy, the history of science and general history by encouraging research and exchanges on issues concerning the foundations of social sciences, changes in scientific investigation and the development of new approaches specific to intellectual history.*” “The journal studies the historically dated cognitive activity of scientists, philosophers, people in power and scholars; it reintegrates the development of concepts and ideas, in the traditional sense of the term, in its genetic environment: the anthropological, linguistic, institutional and social milieu that allows for its expression and distribution. In short, "Revue de synthèse" thoroughly examines the history of intellectual work. It looks to shed light on criteria relating to the scientific quality of the social sciences. In this regards, it stands out from other French and international publications.*”

* Source: information about the Journal given to the Centre national du Livre and distributed by its editorial partners.

In a context where disciplinary exchanges are undergoing major changes in France and abroad, "Revue de synthèse" is now planning to play its part by returning in full force to its original mission, at the crossroads between philosophy, history, the sciences and social sciences, helping to form future scholars and intervening more easily on the international scene thanks to its partnership with the scientific publisher Springer Verlag, which dates from 2007.

The Journals editorial staff notes that such reforms cannot rightfully take place without offering a reflection on the progress of specialized knowledge in the 20th century. As a result, since the early 1990s, it has been deliberately encouraging work on the history of science and the intellectual history of the past century, by organizing research days, granting access to its archives at the "Institut pour la Mémoire de lédition contemporaine" (IMEC), publishing specialized works and digitizing its collection in partnership with the Bibliothèque nationale de France.

"Revue de synthèse" has been directed by Eric Brian since 1995. Since 2007, it has been prepared by an editorial team that, as of late 2007, is composed of Laurie Catteuw, Étienne Anheim, Vincent Bontems and Valérie Tesnière. Its editorial committee is made of Charles Alunni, Claude Blanckaert, Michel Blay, Dominique Bourel, Philippe Boutry, Jean-Pierre Cléro, Jochen Hoock, Dominique Margairaz, Pierre-François Moreau, Jean-Claude Perrot, Dinah Ribard, Olivier Remaud and Jean-Marc Rohrbasser (see the [ full masthead] ). The ideas featured in the sixth series are presented in the bilingual article “" [ Travail de synthèse et diversité des langues/Synthesis work and diversity of languages] "”, which opens the first issue of 2007.

Distributed in both electronic and paper version, "Revue de synthèse" will be published quarterly starting with the first issue of 2008. In each edition it either presents the results of a long-standing project or a topical research report enhanced with additional texts or relevant documents. A large part of the publication is reserved for critical reviews, research columns, reports and readers notes (see the keys to the Journal given by Henri Berr in [ 1911, 1925, 1931] ).

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Recent and past issues

* Sixth series (since 2007). Tome 129 : Les Moyens techniques de lart. 2. Max Weber à lépreuve dun siècle dhistoire musicale (n°3, 2008) ; Les Moyens techniques de lart. 1. Portée de la sociologie musicale de Max Weber (n°2, 2008) ; Civilisations. Retour sur les mots et les idées. Tome 128 : Leibniz, Wolff et les monades. Science et métaphysique (n°3-4, 2007) ; LHistoire par le livre (XVIe-XXe siècle) (n°1-2, 2007).

* Fifth series (from 2002 to 2006 : 5 vols., 7 issues). Tome 127 : Le Marché dans son histoire (n°2, 2006) ; Questions de temps. Coïncidences et récurrences (n°1, 2006). Tome 126 : Sciences et philosophie au XXe siècle. LÉcole de Zurich et le programme surrationaliste (n°2, 2005) ; De lÉdit de Nantes à la Révocation (n°1, 2005). Tome 125 : Fabrique des archives, fabrique de lhistoire (2004). Tome 124 : Géométrie et cognition (2003). Tome 123 : Circulation et cosmopolitisme (2002).

* Fourth series (from 1986 to 2001 : 16 vols., 43 issues). Tome 122 : Histoire des jeux, jeux de lhistoire. Journées Coumet (n°2-3-4, 2001) ; Objets déchelles (n°1, 2001). Tome 121 : Anthropologies, États et populations (n°3-4, 2000) ; Histoire des sciences économiques (n°1-2, 2000). Tome 120 : Linscription de la nature (n°4,1999) ; Les Jésuites dans le monde moderne (n°2-3, 1999) ; Pensée des sciences (n°1, 1999). Tome 119 : Mathématiques à lépreuve de lécriture (n°4, 1998) ; Histoire du scepticisme (n°2-3, 1998) ; Actualité et épistémologie (n°1, 1998). Tome 118 : Éléments dhistoire des sciences sociales (XVIIIe-XXe siècles) (n°4, 1997) ; Théories de la Libre république du Quattrocento aux Lumières (n°2-3, 1997) ; Philosophie dans la France des Lumières (n°1, 1997). Tome 117 : Autobiographie et courants spirituels (n°3-4, 1996) ; Henri Berr et la culture du XXe siècle (n°1-2, 1996). Tome 116 : Puissance du langage et histoire (n°4, 1995) ; John Toland (1670-1722) et la crise de conscience européenne (n°2-3, 1995) ; Varia (n°1, 1995). Tome 115 : Les territoires de la psychologie (n°3-4, 1994) ; La classification des sciences (n°1-2, 1994). Tome 114 : Varia (n°3-4, 1993) ; Actualité de la métaphysique ? (n°2, 1993) ; Épistémologie de léconomie (n°1, 1993). Tome 113 : Animalité et anthropomorphisme (n°3-4, 1992) ; Le commerce culturel des nations (n°1-2, 1992). Tome 112 : De lÉtat. Fondations juridiques, outils symboliques (n°3-4, 1991) ; Du fait statistique au fait social (n°2, 1991) ; Auguste Comte. Politique et sciences (n°1, 1991). Tome 111 : Traditions et sociétés (n° 4, 1990) ; La difficile institution de lEurope (n°3, 1990) ; Sciences cognitives (n°1-2, 1990). Tome 110 : Varia (n°3-4, 1989) ; Moments de la pensée libérale (n°2, 1989) ; Réception et contresens (n°1, 1989). Tome 109 : Une histoire des sciences de lhomme ? (n°3-4, 1988) ; Transferts culturels franco-allemands (n°2, 1988) ; Condorcet (n°1, 1988). Tome 108 : Périodisation en histoire des sciences et de la philosophie (n°3-4, 1987) ; Varia (n°1 et 2, 1987). Tome 107 : Varia (n°4, 1986) ; Histoire des idées et théorie de lévolution (n°3, 1986) ; Questions dhistoire intellectuelle (n°1-2, 1986).

* Third series (issues published from 1956 to 1985 : 30 vols., 66 issues). Tome 106 : Varia & Tables 1931-1985 (n°120, 1985) ; Philosophie et épistémologie juridiques (n°118-119, 1985) ; Varia (n°117, 1985). Tome 105 : Varia (n°115 et 116, 1984) ; Médecine et sciences de la vie au XVIIIe siècle (n°113-114, 1984). Tome 104 : Histoire des sciences et mentalités (n°111-112, 1983) ; Varia (n°109 et 110, 1983). Tome 103 : Littré. Langues, philosophie, politique, sciences (n°106-108, 1982) ; Varia (n°105, 1982). Tome 102 : R. A. Fisher et lhistoire de la génétique des populations (n°103-104, 1981) ; Varia (n°101-102, 1981). Tome 101 : Varia (n°99-100, 1980) ; Pourquoi des Dix-huitièmistes ? (n°97-98, 1980). Tome 100 : Les néo-lamarckiens français (n°95-96, 1979) ; Varia (n°93-94, 1979). Tome 99 : Varia (n°92, 1978) ; IIIe centenaire de la mort de Spinoza (n°89-91, 1978). Tome 98 : Varia (n°85-86 et 87-88, 1977). Tome 97 : Varia (n°83-84, 1976) ; Les Correspondances. Leur importance pour lhistorien des sciences et de la philosophie. Problèmes de leur édition (n°81-82, 1976). Tome 96 : Varia (n°77-78 et 79-80, 1975) . Tome 95 : Varia (n°75-76, 1974) ; Journée Dom Robert Desgabets (n°73-74, 1974). Tome 94 : Varia (n°70-72, 1973) ; Histoire du copernicanisme (n°69, 1973). Tome 93 : Varia (n°65-66 et 67-68, 1972). Tome 92 : Varia (n°61-62 et 63-64, 1971). Tome 91 : [LEspace et le temps dans la cité grecque et la philosophie antique] (n°57-58 et 59-60, 1970). Tome 90 : [LEspace et le temps dans les mondes anciens] (n°55-56, 1969) ; Varia (n°53-54, 1969). Tome 89 : Varia (n°49-52, 1968). Tome 88 : Varia (n°45-46 et 47-48, 1967). Tome 87 : Varia (n°41-42 et 43-44, 1966). Tome 86 : Varia (n°40, 1965) ; LHistoire. Science humaine du temps présent (n°37-39, 1965). Tome 85 : Varia (n°36, 1964) ; Hommage à Henri Berr (1863-1954) (n°35, 1964) ; Varia (n°33-34, 1964). Tome 84 : Varia (n°32, 1963) ; LExpérience (n°29-31, 1963). Tome 83 : Varia (n°26-28, 1962) ; Sciences et techniques. Leurs rapports au milieu du XXe siècle (n°25, 1962). Tome 82 : [Mathématiques et philosophie] (n°22-24, 1961) ; Journées Fontenelle (n°21, 1961). Tome 81 : Varia (n°17-18 et 19-20, 1960). Tome 80 : Varia (n°13-14 et 15-16, 1959). Tome 79 : Varia (n°9-10 et 11-12, 1958). Tome 78 : Varia (n°8, 1957) ; Journées dethnographie française (n°7, 1957) ; Varia (n°5-6, 1957). Tome 77 : Panorama de la science chinoise (n°4, 1956) ; Varia (n°1, 2 et 3, 1956).

External links

* [ "Revue de synthèse"] website (on line issues since 1900, tables of content, recent supplements).
* Pages about the Journal on []
* Years 1900 to 1999 online via [ Gallica] (French national library).
* Electronic journal at [] .

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