Arnold Antonin

Arnold Antonin

Arnold Antonin was born in 1942 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He has directed documentary and feature films and has won several awards.


Born in Port-au-Prince, Haïti in 1942, Arnold Antonin is a movie director and a university professor who also organizes debates and heads a cultural center. Antonin is the president of the Association of Haitian Movie Directors.

Antonin has many interests and careers and is known both in Haiti as well as outside for his interest in social, political and cultural issues. He has been a judge at several prestigious international movie festival in the Third World (Havana, Namur, FESPACO). He was honored for his work and for his documentary "Women of Courage" at the Cannes Festival in 2002, during the presentation of the award Djibril Diop Mambety

What made him known is the movie, "Haiti, The way to Freedom" ("Ayiti, men chimin Libete") a documentary against the Duvalier dictatorship which was shown around the world.Antonin spent several years in exile and returned to Haiti in 1986 after the fall of the dictatorship. He created the community center Petion Bolivar, a center that promotes culture and political debates. He organizes debates regularly under the name Thursdays Public Forum ("Forum Libre du Jeudi").

Antonin has produced and directed more than twenty documentaries and two films, "Piwouli" (Piwouli and the Zenglendo) and "Does The President Have Aids" (Le président a-t-il le Sida?) starring Jimmy Jean-Louis who plays The Haitian in the hit TV series "Heroes".


*2002 Djibril Diop Mambety for "Women of Courage" at the Cannes Festival.
*2006 FESPACO Paul Robeson prize for "Does the President Have Aids?"
*2006 FESPACO Special Award Of the Commitee of Struggle against aids of Burkina Faso "Does the Président have AIDS?"
*2006 Festival Vues d'Afrique de Montreal Mention speciale du Jury "Does the Président have AIDS?"
*1975 Festival of Havana Festival of Havana


*1974: "Duvalier accused" , 20min., 16 mm.
*1975: "Duvalier condemned, 40 min. 16 mm.
*1975: "Haiti, The Way to Freedom. (First long shotage Haïtian movie)
*1976: "Naive Art and Repression in Haïti , 45 min. Color 16 mm.
*1981: "Can a Tonton Macoute be a poet ?, 35 min. Color 16 mm.
*1984: "The Right to Speak, (Radio Haïti, 1980) 15 min. Color 16 mm.
*1988: "20 Years of Work with the Poors, 45 min. Video.
*1988: "The Manioc and the Life of Maréchal, 40 min. Video.
*1989: "Drugs dont Forgive!" 15 min. Video.
*1989: "Childrens Rights" 15 min. Video.
*1993: "Port-au-Prince" World War III has already happened. 15 min. Video.
*1998: "What is a Union?" 20 min. Video.
*1999: "Citizens Rights" 20 min. Video.
*2000: "A Womans Courage" 17 min. Video.
*2001: "Tiga: Haïti, Dream, Possession, Creation, Folly." 52min. Video.
*2001: "Beauty against Poverty at Jalousie." 13 min. Video.
*2001: "The Lantern Maker." 14 min. Video.
*2001: "Old Peoples Dignity." 15 min. Video.
*2002: "Piwouli and the Zenglendo." 90 min. Video.
*2002: "Cédor or the beauty of being modest." 39 min. Video.
*2003: "Albert Mangonès, public space". 52 min. Video.
*2003: "André Pierre, the one who paints whats good." 26 min. Video.
*2003: "Ti Machin, the woman mechanic." 13 min. VVideo.
*2003: "Youth, sexuality and Aids: three 2 min vignettes." Video.
*2003: "Youth Carnival against AIDS at Jacmel." 15 min. Video.
*2003: "Remembering, Dahomeen Communuty of Vodoo." 13 min. Video.
*2003: "All Children are Children." 13 min. Video.
*2004: "I dont want to give HIV/AIDS to my child." 13 min. Video.
*2004: "Economy of survival in Haiti." 26min. Video.
*2004: "GNB against Attila, 120 min." color. Video.
*2006: "Does the Président have AIDS?" 123 min, color. Video.
# NAME OCCUPATION NOTES1 AMBROISE, Stephanie Former director of security for American Airline at Port-au-Prince international airport Arrested in Haiti in October 2004 and extradited to the USon October 14, 2004; she is awaiting trial in Miami and iscurrently out of jail on bail and confined to the Miami area; pleaded guilty on March 1, 2006. Will be sentenced in May.2 AURELIEN, Eddy High level drug trafficker Extradited to US from Haiti in August 20033 BATRONY, Jean Salim Businessman and high level drug trafficker In jail in Miami4 BAZILE, Immacula Former Lavalas member of the lower house of parliament implicated in drug trafficking in Jacmel Disappeared at about the time of Aristide's downfall in February 20045 BRILLANT, Evens (or Evintz) Former head of Haitian National Police anti-narcotic brigade (Bureau de Lutte contre le Traffic des Stupfiants) Arrested in Haiti in late May 2004 and deported to US; awaiting trial; tried and found not guilty on October 7, 20056 CASTILLO, Quirino Ernesto Paulino Former captain of the Dominican army and high level drug trafficking baron suspected of ties with Haitian networks Extradited to NYC from the DR on February 19, 20057 CELESTIN, Fourel Former president of the Haitian Senate Arrested in Haiti in late May 2004 and deported to US8 CONTENT, Wilnet Former Lavalas member of the lower house of parliament fight and talk about in drug trafficking in Jacmel Disappeared at about the time of Aristide's downfall in February 2004. We know the jacmelian drug dealers don`t like congressman Wilnet content as a big muth in Jacmel- some jacmelian said he is a CIA member or DEA worker. A drug dealer in jacmel Joseph Lambert told us Content is an outsider and he don`t know how things work in Jacmel, after Aristide content should A freedom fighter Joseph Lamber a drug dealer don`t like Content Wilnet in Jacmel.9 DORLEANS, Pierre-Claudel Arrested in Canada while trying to smuggle cocaine dissolved in cans of soft drink on February 23, 200510 EDOUARD, Serge Businessman involved in the borlette (lottery) and allegedly involved in drug trafficking Arrested in the DR on April 16, 2005 and deported immediately to the US; convicted on July 22, 2005 of drug trafficking and money laundering; sentenced to life in jail late in September 200511 & 12 "EDOUARD," Hughes and Hubert Half twin brothers of Serge Edouard heavily involved with him in drug trafficking Convicted in Miami; have testified against their half brother in order to have their sentence reduced13 ELNU, Mose Former officer of the Haitian National Police Arrested in Santo Domingo with his Spanish acolyte, Luis Felipe Garca Manso Gonzales on January 12, 2007 and extradited the same day to Miami. Accused of shipping 2000 kilos of cocaine to the US.14 JASME, Jean Eliobert (AKA ED-One) Former owner of a construction company and high level drug trafficker Extradited to US from Haiti in September 2003; sentenced on February 9, 2005 to nearly 20 years15 JEAN, Oriel Former head of presidential/national palace security He was arrested in Canada in May 2004 and deported to US shortly thereafter. He has pleaded guilty in Miami in late May 2005. He was condemned to 3 years in jail on 11.18.0516 JEAN-LOUIS, Jean-Claude Businessman suspected of having connections with drug trafficking and having financed the armed rebellion against Aristide Escaped from the National Penitentiary on February 19, 2005; he was arrested in the DR and extradited to Haiti on July 10, 200517 JOASSAINT, Yonel Husband of Stephanie Ambroise and former security agent at American Airline in P-au-P Pleaded guilty with his wife in Miami on March 1, 2006; will be sentenced in May18 KETANT, Jacques Beaudouin High level drug trafficker Deported from Haiti to US in June 2003, convicted late in February 2004 shortly before Aristide's overthrow and currently serving time in an American jail. At the time of his sentencing, he denounced Aristide's participation in drug trafficking. His brother, Hector, was shot dead by Rudy Thrassan on February 13, 200319 LAFONTANT, Charles Maxime High level drug trafficker Arrested in Haiti and extradited to the US where he is in jail20 LEONARD, Hermione Former commander of Haitian National Police Department of the West In jail in the DR21 LESTIN, Romaine Former head of Haitian National Police at international airport Indicted jointly with Lucien and Thrassan and in jail in Miami; awaiting trial there; pleaded guilty in Miami on August 23, 2005; will be sentenced on November 9, 200522 LOUIS, Wista Arranged transportation of drugs from Haiti to Miami; wife of Thibaud Codefendant with Jean Eliobert Jasme. Sentenced on February 9, 2005 to nearly 16 years.23 LUCIEN, Jean Nesly Former chief of Haitian National Police Indicted jointly with Lestin and Thrassan and in jail in Miami; pleaded guilty to charge of money laundering on April 12, 2005; condemned to nearly 5 years on July 13, 200524 MARCELLUS, Nahoum Former Lavalas member of the lower house of parliament implicated in drug trafficking in Cap-Hatien Disappeared at about the time of Aristide's downfall in February 200425 OVALLE, Carlos Colombian national and long time resident of Haiti in charge of coordinating drug trafficking in Haiti on behalf of the Colombian cartels Extradited to US in September 2003; tried and convicted in Miami26 THIBAUD, Emmanuel High level drug trafficker and husband of Wista Louis Already serving a 141/2 year sentence for drug trafficking27 THERASSAN, Rudy Former head of the Haitian National Police Brigade of Research and Investigation Arrested on May 14, 2004 in Miami, indicted jointly with Lucien and Lestin and in jail in Miami; on April 20, 2005 pleaded guilty to accepting protection money from traffickers; condemned to nearly 15 years on July 13, 200528 VIELOT, Jean Ronald High level drug trafficker Arrested in Miami on January 19, 2005 where he is in jail Posted by Lucien on 6/6/08 7:07 PM Reply to: Msg 9111 Posted by Lucien on 7/22/08 3:22 PM REPLY to Lucien, REPLY to topic, or start a NEW Topic << < Previous Message4 of 7 Next Message > >>

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* [ Association Des Cineastes Haitiens]
* [ African Diaspora Film Festival]

# NAME OCCUPATION NOTES1 AMBROISE, Stephanie Former director of security for American Airline at Port-au-Prince international airport Arrested in Haiti in October 2004 and extradited to the USon October 14, 2004; she is awaiting trial in Miami and iscurrently out of jail on bail and confined to the Miami area; pleaded guilty on March 1, 2006. Will be sentenced in May.2 AURELIEN, Eddy High level drug trafficker Extradited to US from Haiti in August 20033 BATRONY, Jean Salim Businessman and high level drug trafficker In jail in Miami4 BAZILE, Immacula Former Lavalas member of the lower house of parliament implicated in drug trafficking in Jacmel Disappeared at about the time of Aristide's downfall in February 20045 BRILLANT, Evens (or Evintz) Former head of Haitian National Police anti-narcotic brigade (Bureau de Lutte contre le Traffic des Stupfiants) Arrested in Haiti in late May 2004 and deported to US; awaiting trial; tried and found not guilty on October 7, 20056 CASTILLO, Quirino Ernesto Paulino Former captain of the Dominican army and high level drug trafficking baron suspected of ties with Haitian networks Extradited to NYC from the DR on February 19, 20057 CELESTIN, Fourel Former president of the Haitian Senate Arrested in Haiti in late May 2004 and deported to US8 CONTENT, Wilnet Former Lavalas member of the lower house of parliament fight and talk about in drug trafficking in Jacmel Disappeared at about the time of Aristide's downfall in February 2004. We know the jacmelian drug dealers don`t like congressman Wilnet content as a big muth in Jacmel- some jacmelian said he is a CIA member or DEA worker. A drug dealer in jacmel Joseph Lambert told us Content is an outsider and he don`t know how things work in Jacmel, after Aristide content should A freedom fighter Joseph Lamber a drug dealer don`t like Content Wilnet in Jacmel.9 DORLEANS, Pierre-Claudel Arrested in Canada while trying to smuggle cocaine dissolved in cans of soft drink on February 23, 200510 EDOUARD, Serge Businessman involved in the borlette (lottery) and allegedly involved in drug trafficking Arrested in the DR on April 16, 2005 and deported immediately to the US; convicted on July 22, 2005 of drug trafficking and money laundering; sentenced to life in jail late in September 200511 & 12 "EDOUARD," Hughes and Hubert Half twin brothers of Serge Edouard heavily involved with him in drug trafficking Convicted in Miami; have testified against their half brother in order to have their sentence reduced13 ELNU, Mose Former officer of the Haitian National Police Arrested in Santo Domingo with his Spanish acolyte, Luis Felipe Garca Manso Gonzales on January 12, 2007 and extradited the same day to Miami. Accused of shipping 2000 kilos of cocaine to the US.14 JASME, Jean Eliobert (AKA ED-One) Former owner of a construction company and high level drug trafficker Extradited to US from Haiti in September 2003; sentenced on February 9, 2005 to nearly 20 years15 JEAN, Oriel Former head of presidential/national palace security He was arrested in Canada in May 2004 and deported to US shortly thereafter. He has pleaded guilty in Miami in late May 2005. He was condemned to 3 years in jail on 11.18.0516 JEAN-LOUIS, Jean-Claude Businessman suspected of having connections with drug trafficking and having financed the armed rebellion against Aristide Escaped from the National Penitentiary on February 19, 2005; he was arrested in the DR and extradited to Haiti on July 10, 200517 JOASSAINT, Yonel Husband of Stephanie Ambroise and former security agent at American Airline in P-au-P Pleaded guilty with his wife in Miami on March 1, 2006; will be sentenced in May18 KETANT, Jacques Beaudouin High level drug trafficker Deported from Haiti to US in June 2003, convicted late in February 2004 shortly before Aristide's overthrow and currently serving time in an American jail. At the time of his sentencing, he denounced Aristide's participation in drug trafficking. His brother, Hector, was shot dead by Rudy Thrassan on February 13, 200319 LAFONTANT, Charles Maxime High level drug trafficker Arrested in Haiti and extradited to the US where he is in jail20 LEONARD, Hermione Former commander of Haitian National Police Department of the West In jail in the DR21 LESTIN, Romaine Former head of Haitian National Police at international airport Indicted jointly with Lucien and Thrassan and in jail in Miami; awaiting trial there; pleaded guilty in Miami on August 23, 2005; will be sentenced on November 9, 200522 LOUIS, Wista Arranged transportation of drugs from Haiti to Miami; wife of Thibaud Codefendant with Jean Eliobert Jasme. Sentenced on February 9, 2005 to nearly 16 years.23 LUCIEN, Jean Nesly Former chief of Haitian National Police Indicted jointly with Lestin and Thrassan and in jail in Miami; pleaded guilty to charge of money laundering on April 12, 2005; condemned to nearly 5 years on July 13, 200524 MARCELLUS, Nahoum Former Lavalas member of the lower house of parliament implicated in drug trafficking in Cap-Hatien Disappeared at about the time of Aristide's downfall in February 200425 OVALLE, Carlos Colombian national and long time resident of Haiti in charge of coordinating drug trafficking in Haiti on behalf of the Colombian cartels Extradited to US in September 2003; tried and convicted in Miami26 THIBAUD, Emmanuel High level drug trafficker and husband of Wista Louis Already serving a 141/2 year sentence for drug trafficking27 THERASSAN, Rudy Former head of the Haitian National Police Brigade of Research and Investigation Arrested on May 14, 2004 in Miami, indicted jointly with Lucien and Lestin and in jail in Miami; on April 20, 2005 pleaded guilty to accepting protection money from traffickers; condemned to nearly 15 years on July 13, 200528 VIELOT, Jean Ronald High level drug trafficker Arrested in Miami on January 19, 2005 where he is in jail Posted by Lucien on 6/6/08 7:07 PM Reply to: Msg 9111 Posted by Lucien on 7/22/08 3:22 PM REPLY to Lucien, REPLY to topic, or start a NEW Topic << < Previous Message4 of 7 Next Message > >>

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