- Evolutionary arms race
evolutionary biology , an evolutionary arms race is anevolution ary struggle between competing sets of co-evolvinggene s that develop adaptations and counter-adaptations against each other, resembling anarms race . The co-evolving gene sets may be in differentspecies , as in an evolutionary arms race between apredator species and itsprey (Vermeij, 1987), or a parasite and its host. Alternatively, the arms race may be between members of the same species, as in the manipulation/sales resistance model of communication (Dawkins & Krebs, 1979) or as inrunaway evolution orRed Queen effects. One example of an evolutionary arms race is insexual conflict between the sexes.Thierry Lodé [Thierry Lodé "La guerre des sexes chez les animaux" Eds Odile Jacob, Paris ISBN 2-7381-1901-8;] emphasized the role of such antagonist interactions in evolution leading tocharacter displacement s and antagonist coevolution.Co-evolution itself is not necessarily an arms race. For example,
mutualism may drive co-operative adaptations in a pair of species. This is the case with certainflowers 'ultra-violet color patterns, whose function is to guidebee s to the center of the flower and promotepollination . Co-evolution is also interspecific by definition; it excludes intraspecific (within species) arms races such assexual conflict .Evolutionary arms races can even be displayed between humans and micro-organisms, where medical researchers make antibiotics, and micro-organisms keep making more resistant strains.
ymmetrical versus asymmetrical arms races
Arms races may be classified as either symmetrical or asymmetrical. In a symmetrical arms race, selection pressure acts on participants in the same direction. An example of this is trees growing taller as a result of competition for light, where the selective advantage for either species is increased height. An asymmetrical arms race involves opposite selection pressures, such as the case of parasitism, where the parasite is driven to enhance infection rate and the host is pressured to develop resistance. [Dawkins, R. 1996. "
The Blind Watchmaker " New York: W. W. Norton, p. 230-236.]Introduced species
When a species has not been subject to an arms race previously, it may be at a severe disadvantage and face
extinction well before it could ever hope to adapt to a new predator, competitor, etc. This should not seem surprising, as one species may have been in evolutionary struggles for millions of years while the other might never have faced such pressures. This is a common problem in isolated ecosystems such asAustralia or theHawaiian Islands . In Australia, manyinvasive species , such ascane toad s andrabbit s, have spread rapidly due to a lack of competition or natural predators and a lack of adaptations to cane toads on the part of its prey. Introduced species are a major reason why some indigenous species becomeendangered .References
*Dawkins, R. & Krebs, J.R. (1979). Arms races between and within species. "Proceedings of the Royal society of London", B 205:489-511.
*Vermeij, G. J. (1987). "Evolution and escalation: An ecological history of life". Princeton University Press.
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