Phi Mu

Phi Mu

Infobox Fraternity
letters= ΦΜ
name= Phi Mu
founded= Birth date and age|1852|03|04
birthplace= Wesleyan Female College, (Macon, Georgia)
type= Social
scope= National
motto= "Les Soeurs Fideles"
The Faithful Sisters
colors= Rose and White
symbol= The Quatrefoil of Phi Mu
flower= Rose Color Carnation
publication= The Aglaia
philanthropy= Children's Miracle Network
chapters= 150+
members= 140,000
free_label= Mascot
free= The Lion "Sir Fidel"
address= 400 Westpark Drive
city= Peachtree City
state= Georgia
country= USA

Phi Mu (ΦΜ) is the second oldest female fraternal organization established in the United States. It was founded at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia. The organization was founded as the Philomathean Society on January 4th 1852, and announced publicly on March 4 of the same year.

Today, Phi Mu has over 150 collegiate chapters across the United States and over 150,000 initiated sisters. Phi Mu has 225 alumnae chapters across the nation. Phi Mu's national headquarter is in Peachtree City, Georgia. Phi Mu's national philanthropy is Children's Miracle Network, which raises money to support children's hospitals across the country. Phi Mus all across the nation share the ideals and bond of their creed: Love, Honor, and Truth.

Additionally, Phi Mu has internal organizations, such as [ Phi Mu Foundation] which supports further involvement in the organization.


The Philomathean Society was founded in January 1852 at Wesleyan College by Mary Ann Dupont (Lines), Mary Elizabeth Myrick (Daniel), and Martha Bibb Hardaway (Redding). Wesleyan was the first institute to grant bachelor's degrees to women, and known as the birthplace of the collegiate sorority, though most sororities predate the term "sorority" and are known as "fraternities for women". Through the founding of the Philomathean Society, a literary society, the three founders sought to improve their minds and delighted in the close bonds of friendship they formed. The Philomathean Society joined the National Panhellenic Conference in 1904, taking on the Greek letters "Phi Mu".


The official symbol of Phi Mu is "the quatrefoil of Phi Mu". The Quatrefoil is a unique symbol amongst Greek organizations; though it bears special meaning to sisters, its use can be traced back to early European design.

The Phi Mu Badge is a shield of gold shaped in the Quatrefoil, overlaid with a black shield bearing the two bonds, three stars, hand clasping a heart and the Greek lettersPhi Mu.” Sarah Amelia Bardwell (Wright) designed the first badge in 1852. The first Phi Mu badge was created from a $20 gold piece that was given to Mary Ann Dupont (Lines) by her father when she left home to attend Wesleyan.

New/Provisional Members, or "Phis", of Phi Mu wear the organization's new member pin, given to them when they formally pledge Phi Mu. The Phi Pin (or Provisional/New Member pin) is a black and gold shield with the Greek LetterPhi.”

The lion is the official mascot of Phi Mu. Lions have always been a part of our history and are also shown on our Coat of Arms. Our mascot, which we affectionately callSir Fidel,” is a name adapted from our open motto, Les Soeurs Fideles. Sir Fidel was created in 1973.

The rose-colored carnation is the official flower of Phi Mu. In the language of flowers, the rose carnation means "friendship", but according to the Grand Historian (1907-1908), Lillian Estes (Davis), “pink carnations are, and always have been, the emblematic flower".

The Creed of Phi Mu

The Sisters of Phi Mu are guided by the Creed, which was adopted at the 1916 convention when submitted by members of the Mu Chapter. The Creed serves as the mission statement of the Fraternity, and outlines the primary purposes of the Fraternity: Love, Honor, Truth.

To lend to those less fortunate a helping hand.
To think of God as a protector and guide of us all.
To keep forever sacred the memory of those we have loved and lost.
To be to others what we would they would be to us.
To keep our lives gentle, merciful and just, Thus being true to the womanhood of love.

To walk in the way of honor, guarding the purity of our thoughts and deeds.
Being steadfast in every duty small or large.
Believing that our given word is binding.
Striving to esteem the inner man above culture, wealth or pedigree.
Being honorable, courteous, tender, Thus being true to the womanhood of honor.

To serve in the light of truth avoiding egotism, narrowness, and scorn.
To give freely of our sympathies.
To reverence God as our Maker, striving to serve Him in all things.
To minister to the needy and unfortunate.
To practice day by day love, honor, truth. Thus keeping true to the meaning, spirit and reality of Phi Mu.cite web| url =| title = The Phi Mu Creed | publisher =Phi Mu | accessdate =2008-01-08]

Notable alumnae

Arts and Entertainment
*Ann Bowden (Alpha Gamma) - wife of Florida State University Head Coach Bobby Bowden and mother to Clemson University Head Coach Tommy Bowden, Auburn University Head Coach Terry Bowden and FSU's Offensive Coordinator Jeff Bowden [cite news | url= | title=Ann Bowden - The first lady of football | author=Barnes, Charlie | work=Florida State Times | date = October 1996 | accessdate=2008-02-28]

*Pam Long (Theta Alpha) - Miss Alabama (1974), contestant in Miss America (1975)Fact|date=March 2008 and head writer for CBS' "Guiding Light"cite web| url=| title = Famous Phi Mus | publisher =Phi Mu | accessdate =2007-08-21]
* [ Elizabeth Horton] (Gamma Tau)- Miss North Carolina (2006), contestant in Miss America (2007)Fact|date=March 2008
*Dana Ivey (Alpha Omega) - actress ("The Addams Family", "Sleepless in Seattle", "Orange County"), five-time Tony nominee [cite news | title=Dana Ivey, ΑΩ | work=The Aglaia | date=Winter Spring 2008 | accessdate=2008-04-15]
* [ Leah Massee] (Kappa Beta)- Miss Georgia (2007), contestant in Miss America (2008)Fact|date=March 2008
* [ Ashley Hatfield] (Alpha Delta) - Miss Illinois (2007), contestant in Miss America (2008) [cite web | url= | title=About Ashley | work=Ashley Hatfield, Miss Illinois 2007 | accessdate=2008-02-28]
*Joyce Carol Oates (Beta Zeta) - author, ("Blonde", "We Were the Mulvaneys")
*Mary Wickes (Zeta Epsilon) - actress, ("Little Women", "Sister Act")

*Jerrie Mock (Psi) - first woman to successfully fly solo around the world
*Mary Weber (Delta Epsilon) - astronaut

*Betty Montgomery (Delta Kappa) - first female Attorney General of Ohio
*Melinda Schwegmann (Alpha Eta) - first female Lt. Governor of Louisiana

*Pat Mitchell (Alpha Alpha) - president, PBS

Phi Mu chapters


External links

* [ Phi Mu]

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