- Peer Productions
"Peer Productions" is a
youth artstraining company , which specialises in peereducation throughtheatre , based at Woking Youth Arts Centre. Peer Productions was founded byWoking based theatreartists Nina Lemon and Jason Orbaum. The company runs a full timevocational course for those aged 16 - 23 years as well as a thriving youth theatre for those aged 8 - 23 years.Workshops in Schools
Peer Productions offer a wide range of workshops for
schools ,teachers andcommunity groups. All workshop staff have a full CRB disclosure and have been trained to work with young people. They offer activities like working with puppets, improvisational workshops and new initiatives like Play In A Day.Graduation Showcase
This year Peer Productions had a very successful
graduation showcase, consisting of many productions, many written and performed by the members of the full time course.The Full Time Course
Peer Productions Certificate in Peer Education through Theatre is a practical course for young people aged 16 – 23 years interested in theatre and education. During the course, students learn the skills they need to succeed in the
performing arts sector and have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of productions andcommunity projects.The new course was launched in 2007 as a two term pilot project before expanding to three terms for the 2007/2008 cohort. The courses were free.
As a vocational course the emphasis is on practical learning and evidence of learning can be submitted in DVD/video or audio format for students who find written assignments challenging or uninspiring.
Peer Productions is dedicated to providing a broad learning experience and loosely categorises students learning in the following ways:Performance
Students learn
voice , movement,textual analysis , character building, devising and directing techniques as core components of the course. They also receivedmaster class es from industry professionals and where appropriate, coaching fordrama school audition speeches.Industry
Students benefit from regular ‘How To’ sessions to help prepare them for a career in the performing arts. These include ‘Managing Finances and Tax,’ ‘Safeguarding Children’ and ’Preparing a Professional CV.’
Students learn key skills to help them facilitate their peers’
learning . They are taught how to structure and deliver workshops and discussions, including how to use icebreakers and games effectively, as well as how to manage behaviour and dissolve conflict. They gain practical experience delivering work with young people with and without disabilities and learnt how to liaise with teachers and youth workers in school and community settings.Experience
All students have the opportunity to take part in both touring and fixed venue performances and to deliver community projects as well as taking theatre trips to the West End,
London Fringe and beyond.Accreditation
All students have the opportunity to have their learning accredited through the Arts Award Gold accreditation. This is a level 3 qualification recognised by the
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority . Suitable candidates over the age of 18 years were given the opportunity to attend chaperone training sessions withSurrey County Council to enable them to look after children and young people backstage and on film and TV sets.The course included the following projects:
The Homophobia Project
Peer Productions students have worked with three youth groups for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Intersex and Questioning young people to devise imaginative drama. This work then toured secondary schools in Surrey informing and challenging students on
homophobia . This project received £7,000 from the Local Network Fund and the Youth Opportunities Fund and was created in partnership with Sam King from Connexions and Sue Sanders from Schools Out.The Xclusions Project
Peer Productions students worked with three groups of young people identified as excluded or at risk of exclusion to create a film exploring their stories. The film became part of amultimedia touring performance project for Key Stage 3+. This project received £10,000 from the European Social Fund.The Histories Project
Peer Productions students worked with the Surrey History Centre to research local history. Year 6 pupils used their own research to devise an interactive drama project. The production touredSurrey junior schools where pupils were be invited to board a time machine and interact with characters in period dress using genuine artefacts from the Light Box Gallery. The aim of this project was to bring history to life for both the peer educators and the young audience members.The Carwarden House Project
Peer Productions students ran a weekly artsclub for students with moderate learning disabilities from Carwarden House School. By working with their peers they increased this group’s confidence and promote greater social understanding.Bear - The Musical
This was a new innovative musical written by people in the local area. It led to a performance at Wokings Rhoda McGraw Theatre after 2 weeks intensive rehearsal.
Arts Award
Peer Productions full time volunteers have the opportunity to undergo an Arts AwardGold Certificate and members of the youth theatre can take abronze ofsilver . certificate.In May 2008, full time members Anthony Springhall and Dan Brewton wrote a
musical for their Gold Certificate called Young At War, which was about three life-long friends facing the dangers ofwar . This was performed by full time and youth theatre members of Peer Productions as well as drama students from outside the groupPrevious Productions
Peer Productions Youth Theatre productions include:
His Dark Materials Part 1
*His Dark Materials Part 2
*A Midsummer Night’s Dream
*The Grimm Fairy TalesThe youth theatre are preparing for their next production of
Zombie Prom , which will be performed in November 2008. Dates to be confirmed.Links
* [http://www.artsaward.org.uk Arts Award]
* [http://www.gaysurrey.co.uk Gay Surrey]
* [http://www.schools-out.org.uk Schools Out]
* [http://www.wokingyoutharts.co.uk Woking Youth Arts Centre]
* [http://www.windowonwoking.org.uk Window on Woking]
* [http://www.fruitsofthewomb.co.uk Fruits of the Womb Theatre Company]
* [http://www.jasonorbaum.co.uk Jason Orbaum’s Website]
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