Andrzej Chwalba

Andrzej Chwalba

Andrzej Chwalba (1949-present) is a Polish historian. Professor of history at the Jagiellonian University (since 1995), the university's prorector of didactics (1999-2002), head the Institute of Social and Religious History of Europe in 19th and 20th century. He was former deacon and prodeacon of Department of History.

He has been a m member of the Polish Historical Society,the Historical Commission of the Polish Academy of Science and several foreign historical societies (Intern. Tagung der Historik, Europ. Community Liaison Committee of Historians, Centre de recherches d'histoire des mouvement sociaux et du syndicalisme), and editor in chief of Alternatywy (1985-1989); Arka (1994-1995). He is a member of the editorial board of "Historyka".

He is also Chairman of the Organisational Committee of the Congress. [ [ Konik-Korn, Agnieszka. "How do foreign historians see Poland?" Sunday Catholic Magazine] , retrieved on November 23 2007.]

His works are centred on social and religious history of Europe in 19th and 20th century. He has published over 120 pieces, including several books.


*Socjaliści polscy wobec kultu religijnego (1989)
*Sacrum i rewolucja (1992)
*Józef Piłsudski historyk wojskowości (1993)
*Imperium korupcji w Rosji i Królestwie Polskim w latach 1861-1917 (1995)
*Czasy "Solidarności". Francuscy związkowcy i NSZZ "S" 1980-90 (1997)
*Polacy w służbie Moskali (1999)
*Słownik Historii Polski 1939-1948 (1994,1996) - coauthor
*Kalendarium Dziejów Polski (1999) (editor)


* [ UJ homepage]

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