- List of placental mammals in Orders Pilosa, Scandentia, and Dermoptera
The class Mammalia (the
mammal s) is divided into two subclasses based on reproductive techniques: egg laying mammals (the monotremes); and mammals which give live birth. The latter subclass is divided into two infraclasses: pouched mammals (the marsupials); and the placental mammals.This list contains the
placental mammal s in OrdersPilosa ,Scandentia , andDermoptera . Formonotreme s andmarsupial s, seeList of monotremes and marsupials .Order
Pilosa (Anteater s, andSloth s)*Suborder
***Genus "Bradypus "
****Pygmy Three-toed Sloth ("Bradypus pygmaeus ")
****Maned Three-toed Sloth ("Bradypus torquatus ")
****Pale-throated Three-toed Sloth ("Bradypus tridactylus ")
****Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth ("Bradypus variegatus ")
***Genus "Choloepus " (Two-toed sloths)
****Linnaeus's Two-toed Sloth ("Choloepus didactylus ")
****Hoffmann's Two-toed Sloth ("Choloepus hoffmanni ")
***Genus "Cyclopes "
****Silky Anteater ("Cyclopes didactylus ")
***Genus "Myrmecophaga "
****Giant Anteater ("Myrmecophaga tridactyla ")
***Genus "Tamandua "
****Northern Tamandua ("Tamandua mexicana ")
****Southern Tamandua ("Tamandua tetradactyla ")Order
Scandentia (Treeshrew s)* Family
** Genus "Anathana "
***Madras Treeshrew , "Anathana ellioti "
** Genus "Dendrogale "
***Bornean Smooth-tailed Treeshrew , "Dendrogale melanura "
***Northern Smooth-tailed Treeshrew , "Dendrogale murina "
** Genus "Tupaia"
***Northern Treeshrew , "Tupaia belangeri "
***Golden-bellied Treeshrew , "Tupaia chrysogaster "
***Striped Treeshrew , "Tupaia dorsalis "
***Common Treeshrew , "Tupaia glis "
***Slender Treeshrew , "Tupaia gracilis "
***Horsfield's Treeshrew , "Tupaia javanica "
***Long-footed Treeshrew , "Tupaia longipes "
***Pygmy Treeshrew , "Tupaia minor "
***Calamian Treeshrew , "Tupaia moellendorffi "
***Mountain Treeshrew , "Tupaia montana "
***Nicobar Treeshrew , "Tupaia nicobarica "
***Palawan Treeshrew , "Tupaia palawanensis "
***Painted Treeshrew , "Tupaia picta "
***Ruddy Treeshrew , "Tupaia splendidula "
***Large Treeshrew , "Tupaia tana "
** Genus "Urogale "
***Mindanao Treeshrew , "Urogale evereti "
* FamilyPtilocercidae
** Genus "Ptilocercus "
***Pen-tailed Treeshrew , "Ptilocercus lowii "Order
Dermoptera (Colugo s)*Family
**Genus "Cynocephalus "
***Philippine Flying Lemur ("Cynocephalus volans ")
**Genus "Galeopterus "
***Sunda Flying Lemur ("Galeopterus variegatus ")ee also
List of chordate orders
*List of regional mammals lists
*List of monotremes and marsupials
*List of prehistoric mammals
*List of placental mammals
*Mammal classification
*New mammal species
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