- Busycon
image_caption =Lightning whelk , "Busycon contrarium"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Mollusca
classis =Gastropoda
ordo =Sorbeoconcha
familia =Melongenidae
subfamilia =Busyconinae
genus = "Busycon"
genus_authority = Röding, 1798
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text."Busycon" is a
genus of very large edible seasnail s, marinegastropod mollusc s in the familyMelongenidae . This genus of snails are commonly known as whelks or "Busycon" whelks.As a food source in the USA, the meat of these whelks is sometimes referred to as "scungilli".
* "
Busycon canaliculatus " (Channeled whelk )
* "Busycon candelabrum " (Splendid whelk )
* "Busycon carica " (Knobbed whelk )
* "Busycon coarctatum "
* "Busycon contrarium "
* "Busycon laeostomum " (Snow whelk )
* "Busycon lyonsi "
* "Busycon perversum " (Lightning whelk )
* "Busycon pulleyi " (Prickly whelk )
* "Busycon pyrum "
* "Busycon spiratum "
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