Jespersen — ist der Name folgender Personen: Chris Jespersen (* 1983), norwegischer Skilangläufer Karen Jespersen (* 1947), dänische Politikerin Otto Jespersen (1860–1943), dänischer Sprachwissenschaftler Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jespersen — (izg. jȅspersen), Otto (1860 1943) DEFINICIJA danski lingvist (Filozofija gramatike, Napredak u jeziku) … Hrvatski jezični portal
Jespersen — Jespersen, Otto … Enciclopedia Universal
Jespersen — [yes′pər sən, jes′pər sən] (Jens) Otto (Harry) 1860 1943; Dan. linguist, noted for his studies of English … English World dictionary
Jespersen — noun Danish linguist (1860 1943) • Syn: ↑Otto Jespersen, ↑Jens Otto Harry Jespersen • Instance Hypernyms: ↑linguist, ↑linguistic scientist … Useful english dictionary
Jespersen — n. family name; Jens Otto Harry Jespersen (1860 1943), Danish linguist … English contemporary dictionary
Jespersen's Cycle — (JC) is a series of processes in historical linguistics, which describe the historical development of the expression of negation in a variety of languages, from a simple pre verbal marker of negation, through a discontinous marker (elements both… … Wikipedia
Jespersen, Otto — ▪ Danish linguist in full Jens Otto Harry Jespersen born July 16, 1860, Randers, Den. died April 30, 1943, Roskilde Danish linguist and a foremost authority on English grammar. He helped to revolutionize language teaching in Europe,… … Universalium
Jespersen, (Jens) Otto (Harry) — Jes·per·sen (yĕsʹpər sən), (Jens) Otto (Harry). 1860 1943. Danish philologist noted for his contributions to phonetics and the teaching of languages. Among his most influential works is The Philosophy of Grammar (1924). * * * born July 16, 1860,… … Universalium
Jespersen, (Jens) Otto (Harry) — (16 jul. 1860, Randers, Dinamarca–30 abr. 1943, Roskilde). Lingüista danés. Encabezó un movimiento que se basaba en la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras en el habla propia de la conversación más que en textos de estudio de gramática y… … Enciclopedia Universal