George van den Bergh

George van den Bergh

George van den Bergh (25 April 1890, Oss - 3 October 1966, Oegstgeest) was a Dutch law professor and amateur astronomer.

Van den Bergh was the son of Samuel van den Bergh, one of the founders of Unilever. His brother Sidney James and his nephew Maarten would follow his father in business life, while George pursued an academic career. He was a lawyer in Amsterdam, 1915-1936. From 1925-33 he was a member of the Dutch parliament. He was author of "Astronomy for the millions" and "The universe in space and time", which were translated into English in 1937. During the 1950s he studied the longer eclipse cycles, allowing him to predict solar and lunar eclipses over a long time interval. [cite web
author=Staff | date=September 8, 2003
title=A Catalogue of Eclipse Cycles
publisher=Eye Magazine
] This was published in 1955 as "Periodicity and Variation of Solar (and Lunar) Eclipses". [cite book
first=George | last=van Denbergh | year=1955
title=Periodicity and variation of solar (and lunar) eclipses.
] In 1958 he developed a compressed form of typesetting called Hoofdletters, [cite web
first=Robert Harry | last=van Gent | year=2001
title=Hoofdletters, Tweeling- en Meerlingdruk
publisher=Eye Magazine
] published as"Hoofdletters, Tweeling- en Meerlingdruk".

Van den Bergh crater on the Moon is named after him.


External links

* cite web
title=Mr.dr. G. van den Bergh
publisher=Parlement & Politiek

* cite web
title=Archief George van den Bergh
publisher=International Institute of Social History

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