

French commune
nomcommune= Lento
native_name= Lentu
insee= 2B140
cp= 20252
longitude= 9.2825
latitude= 42.5227777778
alt moy= convert|550|m|abbr=on
alt mini= convert|131|m|abbr=on
alt maxi= convert|1469|m|abbr=on

Lento is a commune of the Haute-Corse department of France on the island of Corsica. It shares the canton of Alto-di-Casaconi with Monte, Volpajola, Campile, Olmo, Prunelli-di-Casacconi, Campitello, Ortiporio, Canavaggia, Bigorno, Scolca, Crocicchia and Penta-Acquatella. [cite web|title=France, le trésor des régions: Département: Haut-Corse|url=http://tresordesregions.mgm.fr/Mdir.php?p=cant.php&region=94&cl=|format=html|accessdate=2008-05-06 fr icon.]


Lento is convert|5|km|0 to the west of Campitello, in the ancient piève de Bigorno; the territory goes to the south as far as Golo, near convert|1469|m Monte Reghia di Pozzo.


Lento is chiefly known for having been the site of the French army camp at the time of the Battle of Ponte Novu (1769), which marked the debut of Corsica into the kingdom of France. In the 20th century, Lento supplied numerous officers to the colonial army.


Demographic evolution::1962: 105:1968: 156:1975: 143:1982: 162:1990: 76:1999: 91Figures after 1962: "Population without double counting"


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