Carl Eduard Hammerschmidt
- Carl Eduard Hammerschmidt
Karl Eduard Hammerschmidt also called Abdullah Bei also Carl ( 1800, Vienna - 30 August 1874 , Anatolia) was an Austrian mineralogist , entomologist and physician. Hammerschmidt, called Abdullah, studied the law, but could not become an advocate.Instead, already an editor of "Landwirtschaftlichen Zeitung" ,an agricultural newspaper, and an entomologist, he became a student of medical writing. After the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 he had to flee, joined the Hungarian army and fought under the Polish general Józef Bem.Wounded and with many suffering comrades he was pushed over the Turkish border. He became a teacher at the medical school in Constantinople,but after complaints from Austria was displaced. He then moved to Damascus where he worked for several years as a hospital physician, served as a physician in the Crimean War, was during the Vienna Exhibition of 1873 a Turkish commissioner and after 1873 a teacher of mineralogy and Zoologyat the medical school in Constantinople, for which he created a natural history museum. He was joint founder of the Turkish Red Crescent. As well as zoological and geological text books in the Turkish language he made valuable contributions to the geological and zoological knowledge of the Bosphorus areas. He died during the geological investigation of a new railway line in Anatolia. Hammerschmidt was member of the Royal Entomological Society of London.
* "Beschreibung eines neuen mexicanischen Schmetterlinges (Cossus) Redtenbacheri Hmrschdt., dessen Entwickelung in Wien beobachtet wurde", mit 1 lith. Tafel. Wien, 1847
* "Helminthologische Beiträge, Beschreibung einiger neuer in Insekten entdeckten Oxyuris-Arten". Wien, 1847.
* "Beschreibung einiger Oxyuris-Arten". In: Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 1 (1847).
"Verhandlungen des V. Symposions über Österreichisch - Türkische Medizinische Beziehungen: Anlässlich des 120. Todesjahres des Mitbegründers des Türkischen Halbmondes Dr. Abdullah Bey und des 150. Todesjahres des Schöpfers der Medizinschule Galatasaray Dr. K. A. Bernard". (V. Türk - Avusturya Tibbî İlişkileri Simpozyumu bildirileri: 5 Ekim 1994, Çarşamba; Kızılay'ın Kurucularından Miralay Dr. Abdullah Bey'in ölümünün 120. yıldönümü ile Galatasaray'da Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane'nin kurucularından Dr. K. A. Bernard'ın ölümünün 150. yıldönümü anısına düzenlenen yayınlayanlar Arslan Terzioğlu). Türk Avusturya Tıbbî İlişkileri Simpozyumu 5, 1994. Istanbul, 1995.
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