International Diving Educators Association

International Diving Educators Association

The International Diving Educators Association or (IDEA) was originally founded in 1952 as the Florida Skin Divers Association (FSDA), and later changed its name to the Florida Scuba Divers Associationcite web|url=|title=About IDEA|accessdate=2007-12-07|publisher=International Diving Educators Association] . As the group's membership grew, so did desire to make the organization and international SCUBA diving certification agency. In February of 1978 the group officially voted to create the International Diving Educators Association, based on the principles of the original FSDA.

IDEA is a member of the World Recreational Scuba Training Council (WRSTC). [cite web|url= |title=United States Agencies|accessdate=2007-12-07|publisher=World Recreational Scuba Training Council]


IDEA offers specialty courses in the following: [cite web|url=|title=Specialty Courses|accessdate=2007-12-07|publisher=International Diving Educators Association]
*Search & Recovery
*Wreck Diver
*Artifact Diver
*Underwater Hunter & Collector
*Boat Diver
*Underwater Photography
*Current (Swift) Water Diver
*Limited Visibility Diver
*Night Diver
*Deep Diver
*Research Diver

External links

* [ IDEA Official Site]


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