

Transpromo describes a type of document or corporate communication strategy that delivers transactional information and promotional marketing messages. By adding relevant messages to transaction documents, companies can strengthen relationships and increase revenue.

Transpromotional documents combine CRM Customer relationship management and data mining technology with Variable data printing and location intelligence. This powerful combination reduces the cost of traditional statement printing by sharing the print spend with a marketing spend while reaching the prospect base of all existing customers. Many companies do this to some extent, including: Chase Bank, Citi Bank, Comcast, American Airlines and

Today's printing technology allows companies to deliver more effective transpromotional documents than ever before, as full color variable data printing and variable data document composition software can be fully integrated into ERP and CRM systems to match existing customers with offers that are most likely to trigger a response. These software solutions enable you to create and produce truly personalized communications, with no limit as to what content can be variable from piece to piece.

A "Transactional Document" is a statement that provides the recipient with information regarding their transactions. This could be a detailed list of telephone calls, a cable bill, an EOB (Explanation of Benefits), an Invoice, a shipping manifest or an event ticket. Most transactional documents do not have targeted offers. Some will have a generic offer that prints on all statements, but these offers do not achieve the response rates that Transpromotional documents achieve.

Over the years, transpromotional communication has always taken the benefit out of new emerging technologies to take its effect. Over B/W printing moving to highlight color to full-color transpromotional mailings have now reached traditional offset quality while still being fully variable and customized documents. This quality can be reached by using digital presses such as the InfoPrint 5000 and the Xeikon 8000 introduced in May 2008

Many of the Electronic Print Output Industry news sources are covering the Transpromotional document. Some recent articles are listed below under "sources".

Why Statement-based Marketing Works

1. Unrivaled Openability. Statements and invoices are expectedthey contain important financial information and usually require action. More than 95% of transaction documents are opened and read each monthfar more than any other type of direct response effort. [Irongate Digital Solutions, TransPromo Overview,]

2. High Involvement. Bills and statements receive more attention than any other form of communication including television advertisements. Studies show that the average customer invests between one and three minutes for statement review. [ Group 1 Software, Inc., 2004 Research Study]

3. Trusted Media. While e-security and telephone fraud continue to make headlines, nearly everyone trusts the postal service to send and deliver mailincluding highly important documents.

4. Functionality. Statements are often viewed more than once. The paper-based nature of transaction mail helps consumers pay bills, submit expense reports, prepare taxes and file documents. [InfoTrends, Inc., The Future of Mail 2006]

5. Greater Returns. Statement-based marketing is effective because it targets current customers. A five percent increase in current customer business can translate into as much as a 50 percent increase in bottom-line profits. [Jack Schmid and Alan Weber, Desktop Database Marketing]

Examples of TransPromo applications

OutputLinks lists a series of examples and case studies, including: A global credit card company has satisfied customers and merchants by targeting messages based on spending habitsincluding geo-relevant data. For example, New York-based customers who travel frequently to England may receive promotions from London-based retailers. A major service bureau serving the cable and telecommunication industry now prints dynamic messaging in color and black and white, segmenting offers based on specific customer preferences. A transportation company provides consistent, targeted content across both paper and e-based communicationsgaining the frequency needed to upsell more effectively. A travel-oriented firm has merged personalized up-sell and information messages based on travel details and demographicsintegrating communications across statements, luggage tags, resort guides and check-in slipsall in high-quality color. A leading financial services firm has eliminated color preprints, and can now route files, process data and apply full color overlays to generate personalized statements using advanced document re-engineering software. A print and mail operation can now accept more robust data and file formats from their clients, offering a higher level of value based on capabilities that include color variable print. A telecommunications company reorganized their monthly statement to improve readability and reduce paper costs, adding unique offers based on each customers profile and geography.

TransPromo Technologies

Customer data integration (CDI) enables an organization to link all the informationeven when it is stored in multiple databasesto provide a comprehensive view of each relationship.

Location intelligence is becoming one of the most valuable assets in marketing segmentation and decision making. Street-level profiling enhances data with rich demographic, lifestyle and consumer attributes. Mapping technologies give mailers the ability to present a more local, community-oriented image to your customers. One can also target messages or include third-party advertisements based on geographic proximity. Database and marketing analytics can help segment customers and pinpoint high-potential opportunities. Geo-demographic data and cluster analysis, for example, can help a car manufacturer know whether to pitch an SUV or an ecologically-friendly Hybrid.

Document composition software makes it easier to compose one-to-one communications across every channel. The combination of template design, built-in business logic and automated printstream creation supports variable content based on segmentations, including text, graphics, images, fonts and layouts.

Production intelligence provides a smart, practical way to execute segment-driven strategies. Document output management allows mailers to modify and redirect printstreams on the fly, without disrupting underlying systems or operationsproviding the flexibility to integrate color output devices, manage multiple print centers and manage output based on business rules. File-based processing provides an added level of assuranceputting the controls in place to guarantee that the right information is sent to the right customer at precisely the right time. [OutputLinksBridging the G
] While color printing is not required for TransPromo, it can create a stronger impact. Studies show that the effective use of color and personalization outsells traditional black and white messaging by up to 80% or more. And the costs of color variable print are coming down rapidly. In a recent cost analysis conducted by InfoTrends, the difference on a four-page document was calculated to be only 6.5 cents.

The Automated Document Factory 2.0 (ADF 2.0), also known by its earlier generation as simply ADF, an architecture developed by Gartner that is used in the design and operation of printing and mailing operations, is essential for an end-to-end transpromo printing operation. Enterprises use ADF 2.0 to provide the foundation for the operations, whether transaction printing (bills, checks, policies, etc.) or marketing collateral (brochures, literature, etc.). Individual printing companies will use some or all of the ADF 2.0 modules depending on the nature of their operations and the extent to which the production of printed materials integrates with the composition and analysis software their customers employ.



* [ OutputLinks: An Intelligent Approach to TransPromo]
* [ OutputLinks: Bridging the G
* [ OutputLinks: The Three Drivers of TransPromo Success: Data, Data, and Data]
* [ OutputLinks: Location Intelligence: The Secret Ingredient to TransPromo Success]
* [ OutputLinks: An Intelligent Approach to TransPromo]
* [ DMNews:Personalized transactions add marfeting value]
* [ DMM News: "Consumers prefer personalized direct mail"]
* [ DMM News: "Rate hikes spur transpromo use"]
* [ "TransPromo isnt just for the big guys"] , article from
* [ Print CEO Blog article]
* [ Print Week article]
* [ Market Research article]

External links

Organizations advocating Transpromotional strategies

* [ Gartner Inc.]
* [] InfoTrends' "Future of Mail" report is available.
* [ Objectif Lune]
* []
* [ Pitney Bowes TransPromo Communications]
* [ Ricoh Americas Corporation]
* []
* [ i-docs CCM Solution]

Articles about Trans-Promo

* [ The Transpromo Train : Getting the Most Out of Your Ticket]

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