Itea virginica

Itea virginica

name = Virginia sweetspire

image_width = 250px
image_caption = Flowering branch
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Saxifragales
familia = Iteaceae
genus = "Itea"
species = "I. virginica"
binomial = "Itea virginica"

"Itea virginica" (Virginia sweetspire) is a plant in the Iteaceae.


"Itea virginica" is a shrub with alternate, simple leaves, on arching stems. The flowers are white, borne in summer.

"Itea virginica" also known as Virginia Sweetspire is a deciduous to semievergreen shrub, growing 3' to 6' tall.It is a multistemmed, suckering and colonizing plant. The stems branch infrequently except at the tops. Individual shoot rise up and then arch over to some degree.

Summer Foliage:

- alternate leaf arrangement

- elliptical leaves with an acute apex

- leaves are 1.5 " to 4" long and 0.75" to 1.25" wide

- leaf margins are very finely serrated

- leaf color is medium to dark green and the leaf surface is glabrous

Autumn Foliage:

- fall color is spectacular and long-lasting

- a mix of yellow, orange, crimson and maroon


- 2" to 6" long - racemes of small white flowers

- bloom time is June

- flowers are lightly fragrant


- non-ornamental, small capsules

- persists through the winter


- stems are purple red on the sun-exposed side and green on the opposite side

- glabrous


- full sun to partial shade

- best growth in fertile, moist soils

- pH adaptable

Landscape Use:

- useful for early summer bloom time

- good for naturalistic planting

- displays best in large masses or colonies - excellent for fall foliage color

- relatively free from pests

- lack of cold hardiness below -20 degrees F can be problematic

- attracts butterflies

- Deer resistant

- Drought tolerant once established


- UConn Plant Database:

- Proven Winners:

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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