

Autotelic is defined by Webster's dictionary as "having a purpose in and not apart from itself" Etymology: Greek autotelēs, from aut- + telos, meaning self and goal.

The Oxford English Dictionary cites its earliest use as 1901 (Baldwin, Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology I 96/1), and also cites a 1932 use by T. S. Eliot (Essays I. ii. 24).

Autotelic is used by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, in his book "Finding Flow, The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday life". [Robert E Quinn, Change the World p 210, 272] , where it is used to describe people who are internally driven, and as such may exhibit a sense of purpose or curiosity. This is different from externally driven, where things such as comfort, money, power, or fame form the motivating force.

It has relevance in context of leadership, motivation, and managing change in people. In a world, where people can become ingrained routines that they feel tiring, not fulfilling, and even painful, there is an increasing interest in conscious business, and value based business.

"An autotelic person needs few material possessions and little entertainment, comfort, power, or fame because so much of what he or she does is already rewarding,. Because such persons experience flow in work, in family life, when interacting with people, when eating, even when alone with nothing to do, they are less dependent on the external rewards that keep others motivated to go on with a life composed of dull and meaningless routines. They are more autonomous and independent because they cannot be as easily manipulated with threats or rewards from the outside. At the same time, they are more involved with everything around them because they are fully immersed in the current of life." [Csikszentmihalyi, 1997, p.l17,]

Alexander Technique practitioners tell of experiencing increased autotelic behaviour. They spend time cultivating awareness of the "means-whereby" an activity is performed, rather than focussing on the "end".


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  • autotelic — AUTOTÉLIC, Ă, autotelici, ce, adj. (fil.) Care conţine în sine scopul; cu finalitate lăuntrică. [pr.: a u ] – Din fr. autotélique. Trimis de ana zecheru, 02.12.2002. Sursa: DEX 98  autotélic adj. m. (sil. a u ), pl. autotélici; …   Dicționar Român

  • autotelic — adj. 1. of or pertaining to autotelism. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • autotelic — [ôt΄ōtel′ik] adj. [< Gr autotelēs, complete in itself (see AUTO & TELEOLOGY) + IC] having an end in itself; engaged in for its own sake, as some creative art autotelism n …   English World dictionary

  • autotelic — adjective Etymology: Greek autotelēs, from aut + telos end more at telos Date: circa 1901 having a purpose in and not apart from itself …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • autotelic — autotelism, n. /aw teuh tel ik/, adj. Philos. (of an entity or event) having within itself the purpose of its existence or happening. Cf. heterotelic. [1900 05; AUTO 1 + TELIC] * * * …   Universalium

  • autotelic — adjective a) An entity or event has within itself its own meaning or purpose. b) In literature or art, a work, having been created, that is self justifying. Poems with a unified rhetorical device to frame the poem in a singular idea. See Also:… …   Wiktionary

  • autotelic — Denoting those traits closely associated with the central purposes of an individual. [auto + G. telos, end, completeness, purpose] …   Medical dictionary

  • autotelic — adj. contains within it the purpose of existence (Philosophy) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • autotelic — [ˌɔ:tə(ʊ) tɛlɪk] adjective (of an activity or a creative work) having an end or purpose in itself. Origin early 20th cent.: from auto 1 + Gk telos end + ic …   English new terms dictionary

  • autotelic — au·to·tel·ic …   English syllables

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