

Infobox mineral
name = Barstowite
category = , ,
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formula = Pb4 [Cl6|CO3] •H2O
molweight =
color = White to transparent
habit =
system = monoclinic
twinning =
cleavage =
fracture =
tenacity =
mohs = 3
luster = Adamantine
polish =
refractive =
opticalprop =
birefringence =
dispersion =
pleochroism =
absorption =
streak = White
gravity =
density =
melt =
fusibility =
diagnostic =
solubility =
diaphaneity =
other =
references =

Barstowite, formula Pb4 [Cl6|CO3] •H2O , is a transparent to white mineral in the monoclinic system. [ Barstowite at mineralogical website] ] It has a Mohs hardness of 3, a white streak and an adamantine lustre.

The type locality for Barstowite is Bounds Cliff, St Endellion, Cornwall in the United Kingdom. It is named after Richard W. Barstow a Cornish mineral collector. [ [ Mineralogical Record article on Richard Barstow] ]


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