Daniel MacMillan

Daniel MacMillan

Daniel MacMillan (Scottish Gaelic: Dòmhnall MacMhaolain) (18131857) was a Scottish publisher from the Isle of Arran, Scotland.

Daniel MacMillan was born in the Isle of Arran to a crofting family. Moving to London, he founded Macmillan Publishers, with his brother Alexander.[1][2]

Macmillan, with the recommendation of his brother Alexander, sent George Edward Brett to open the first American office in New York.[3]

His son, Maurice Crawford Macmillan (18531936) married Helen (Nellie) Artie Tarleton Belles (18561937), whose son Harold became British Prime Minister.

Additional reading

Macmillan A Publishing Tradition by Elizabeth James 2002 ISBN 0-333-73517-X

  • The House of Macmillan (18431943) by Charles Morgan


  1. ^ History
  2. ^ "PUBLISHING: Crofter's Crop". Time. 1951-01-22. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,888948,00.html?promoid=googlep. Retrieved 2010-04-30. 
  3. ^ Crocker, Samuel (1893). The Literary World. E. H. Hames and Company. p276.