- SpringSoft
company_name = SpringSoft
company_type =Public Company
foundation =1996
company_slogan = "Accelerating Engineers"
location =Hsinchu, Taiwan
key_people = Martin Liu, CEO
products = Debussy Debug System Verdi Automated Debug Siloti Visibility Enhancement
homepage = [http://www.springsoft.com SpringSoft]SpringSoft is a software company that develops cutting edge
VLSI design and debugging software. The company was founded with a grant from the Taiwanese National Science Council in 1996. In 1997, SpringSoft established the companyNovas Software inSilicon Valley to market, distribute, and support Springsoft's newly developedVLSI Debugging software. In May 2008, SpringSoft purchasedNovas Software and renamed it SpringSoft USA. SpringSoft has grown to employ over 400 people with office locations across the world includingCalifornia ,Texas ,New England , theUnited Kingdom ,France ,Germany ,Japan ,Korea ,India ,Israel ,Taiwan ,China and other locations.SpringSoft continued this business model creating a custom layout tool called Laker and creating a US-based company called Silicon Canvas.
In May 2008, SpringSoft purchased all of its partially owned companies to leverage branding and global talent, and deal with the trend among semiconductor customers to consolidate on few EDA vendors.
External links
* [http://www.springsoft.com SpringSoft]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.