- Becquerel (Martian crater)
diameter=167 km
region=Arabia Terra
eponym=Antoine H. Becquerel Becquerel is a 167 km-diameter crater at 21.8°N, 351°E on
Mars , inArabia Terra . Photographs by theMars Global Surveyor revealed spectacular layeredsediment ary deposits in this crater. [ [http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/craters/PIA03211.html Mars Exploration: Multimedia ] ] The layers appear to be only a few meters thick and show little variations in thickness. Patterns like this are usually produced on Earth through the effects of water; volcanic deposits would not produce ash or laval flows of such regular thickness and in any event there are no nearby volcanic vents. [ [http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/PSP_003656_2015 HiRISE | Lots of Layering in Becquerel Crater (PSP_003656_2015) ] ]There are cyclic variations in the thickness of the exposed sedimentary layers, possibly indicating cyclic variations in environmental conditions while the sediment was being laid down. Most of the layers are parallel to each other, suggesting they formed by vertical settling, but a few are cross-bedded, indicating that at the time that the layers were deposited the sediment was transported along the ground surface by wind or water. [ [http://clipmarks.com/clipmark/F346D425-79CD-4DEE-A365-A50AEF9EC9D0/ Layers in Becquerel Crater, Mars | Clipmarks ] ] The sedimentary material appears to be easily eroded and active wind erosion may be continuing to the current day. [ [http://themis.la.asu.edu/zoom-20020528a Mars Odyssey Mission THEMIS: Feature
] ]
It is named after
Antoine H. Becquerel .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.