

A Veve or Vévé [alternately spelled beybey] is a religious symbol for a vodou "loa" (or lwa) and serves as their representation during rituals. In Haiti, the veve derives from the beliefs of the native Tainos. Most similar to the veve are the drawings of "zemi" or gods of the Taino religion.

From Milo Rigaud 'Secrets of Voodoo' (c1969; City Lights, NY): "The veves represent "figures of the astral forces"... In the course of Voodoo ceremonies, the reproduction of the astral forces represented by the veves obliges the loas ... to descend to earth."

Every Loa has his or her own unique veve, although regional differences have led to different veves for the same loa in a few cases. Sacrifices and offerings are usually placed upon them.

The veve is usually drawn on the floor by strewing a powder-like substance, such as cornmeal, wheat flour, bark, red brick powder, or gunpowder. The material depends entirely upon the rite.


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* [ Extensive collection of Veves]
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