

Infobox Korean name

hangul=갈고, 양장고, 양고
hanja=, ,
rr=galgo, yangjanggo, yanggo
mr=kalgo, yangjanggo, yanggo|
"If you are looking for the dog breed known as Spanish Galgo, please see Galgo Español."

The "galgo" (or "yang-janggo" or "yango") is a traditional Korean drum. The drum has an hourglass-shaped wooden body and two drum heads of identical diameter, similar to the "janggu". Compared to the "janggu", the "galgo" is fitted with a sound-adjusting funnel different from that of the "janggu". The "galgo" also uses thinner drum skins and is struck with two bamboo sticks called "chae" but mallet shaped "gungchae" is not used. The pitch of the drum can be controlled on both sides of the drum rather than only one pitch per-side for the janggu. This instrument is popular after the rule of King Yeongjo in the Joseon dynasties, and is always mentioned in the Jinyeoneuigwe (historical records of the palace). However, today, the "galgo" has fallen out of use by traditional music performers and if one wishes to see this instrument, normally it will be in the The National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts.

The Chinese "jiegu", adopted from the Central Asian region of Kucha during the Tang Dynasty, is the model from which the "galgo" is derived. The Japanese "kakko", which is used in "gagaku" music, is also derived from the "jiegu".

ee also

*Traditional Korean musical instruments
*Korean music

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