- Rebel Cole
Rebel A. Cole [http://condor.depaul.edu/~rcole] has been a Professor of Finance at the
Kellstadt Graduate School of Business ofDePaul University inChicago ,Illinois since July 2002. He teachesMBA -level courses infinancial management andcorporate governance . He came to DePaul fromSydney ,Australia , where he taught at theUniversity of New South Wales --Australia’s flagship university. During his career, he has taught finance in five different countries.Dr. Cole received his
PhD inBusiness Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1988, after which he spent ten years working in theFederal Reserve System , primarily at theBoard of Governors inWashington, DC .Since 1998, Dr. Cole has served as a special advisor to the
International Monetary Fund , theWorld Bank and theAsian Development Bank through his consulting company Krähenbühl Global Consulting [http://www.krahenbuhlglobal.com] , providing technical assistance toCentral Bank s indeveloping countries that includeChina ,Kenya ,Lebanon ,Malaysia ,Palestine , thePhilippines ,Russia andYemen .Dr. Cole has published refereed articles in the top finance journals, including the
Journal of Finance , theJournal of Financial Economics , and theJournal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis . He is probably best known for his works on availability of credit to small businesses and predicting bank failures. According to the Web of Science, his research has garnered more than 400 citations from other scholarly works.His primary areas of research are commercial real estate,
corporate governance ,financial institutions andsmall business finance.Dr. Cole was born in
Asheville, NC on August 25, 1958 to Kathleen Krähenbühl Cole and Frank A. Cole. He attendedAsheville High School and received his undergraduate degree in Economics from theUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1981. He has two sisters--Gail Godwin and Franchelle Millender. He is married to Caroline Lee.
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