- Richard Towneley
Richard Towneley (
10 October 1629 –22 January 1707 ) was an Englishmathematician andastronomer from Towneley nearBurnley ,Lancashire . He was one of a group of seventeenth century astronomers in the north of England, which includedJeremiah Horrocks ,William Crabtree and William Gascoigne, the pioneer astronomers who laid the groundwork for research astronomy in the UK. An investigation carried out with the physician Henry Power, followed by correspondence withRobert Boyle , showed the relationship between the pressure and volume of gas in a closed system and led to the formulation ofBoyle's Law , or as Boyle named it, Mr. Towneley's hypothesis. He introducedJohn Flamsteed to the micrometer and designed the movement for the clocks used in theGreenwich Observatory .Early life
Richard Townley was born at
Nocton , inLincolnshire , on 10 October 1629. His father was Charles Towneley (1600-1644) and his mother before marriage was Mary Trapppes (1599-1690). He had three brothers and three sisters. Towneley came from a Catholic family which stoutly refused to conform to theProtestant Church and was thus excluded both from public office and from English universities. He is thought to have been educated at one of the English colleges in theLow Countries as his younger brothers are both known to have studied at theEnglish College, Douai inFrance . [Webster, Charles (1966)Transactions of the Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire vol. 118 p. 51-76] His interests included mathematics, natural philosophy and astronomy. His father, Charles, was killed at the battle ofMarston Moor in 1644.The civil war had been disastrous for the Towneley family and their Lancashire estates were confiscated by Parliamentary sequestrators. Richard married Mary Paston of Barningham, Norfolk and fathered four sons and four daughters. Although the date of their marriage is not recorded their first son Clement, was born in 1654. By 1653 the Lancashire lands were regained, but the Nocton estate in Lincolnshire had to be sold in 1661 to pay outstanding debts. [http://www.burnley.gov.uk/towneley/downloads/TTv4_web.pdf Retrieved2007-11-16 ] .Boyle's Law
The income from the family estate meant that Towneley had no need to take any other employment. He devoted himself to the study of mathematics and natural philosophy, leaving the management of his estates to his younger brother Charles Towneley (1631-1712). [ Whitaker, T. D. (1818), History of the original parish of Whalley (3rd edition), Nichols, p. 488-9 ]
Henry Power (1623-1668), of Halifax, was both the Towneley family's physician and a friend who shared Towneley's enthusiasm for experimentation. On 27th April 1661, they used a barometer, of the type invented byEvangelista Torricelli in 1643, to measure the pressure of air at different altitudes on Pendle Hill in Lancashire. As a result, they recognised a relation between the density of air and its pressure. Power eventually published the results in his book "Experimental Philosophy" in 1663 but an early draft was seen byRobert Boyle in 1661 and it seems Towneley also discussed the experiments with Boyle when he visited London in the winter of 1661-62. Later in 1662, Boyle was able to publish what is now known asBoyle's Law , but what he referred to as Mr Towneley's hypothesis. [Webster, Charles (1965), Archives for History of Exact Sciences, Volume 2, Number 6, Springer-Verlag, p. 441-502 ]Gascoigne's Micrometer
Towneley published little of his own work but in May 1667 he sent a letter to the Royal Society "touching the invention of dividing a foot into many thousand parts for mathematical purposes".
Adrien Auzout had claimed a French first in inventing the micrometer. Towneley wrote to point out that Auzout was not the first person to have developed such a device. The English astronomerWilliam Gascoigne had developed a micrometer before the Civil War. Towneley had produced an improved version of that micrometer and was using it in Lancashire. [ Towneley, Richard (1667), Philosophical Transactions Vol. II No. 25, p. 457-458 ] The Royal Society showed great interest in Towneley’s micrometer and he sent them one made in Lancashire by one of his tenants.Robert Hooke reported on it in November of the same year as "A description of an instrument for dividing a foot into many thousand parts, and thereby measuring the diameter of planets to a great exactness" with an illustration, reproduced here. [ Hooke, Robert (1667), Philosophical Transactions Vol. II No. 29, p. 541-544 ]During the winter of 1664-5, the skies of the northern hemisphere were dominated by a brilliant
comet , which was the most conspicuous since that of 1618. When Hooke made his first observations of the comet of 1664, he devised his own method of computing the angular diameter of the nucleus by comparing it with the apparent diameter of a weather vane support on distant building and measuring the distance between the telescope and the weather vane. Accurate angular measurements were of great importance to the astronomers of the time and Hooke realised he needed a precise instrument for this purpose. His problem was solved in 1667, when he saw Richard Towneley's micrometer, which was based on a prototype of 1640 invented by William Gascoigne. This instrument used a pair of fine-pitched screws to move two pointers in thefocal plane of a Keplerian telescope. By enclosing the object to be measured between the pointers, its angular diameter could be computed to within a fewarc second s, providing the observer knew the exactfocal length of the telescope and the pitch of the screw which moved the pointers. Hooke published an engraving of the instrument to accompany Towneley's description in 1667. Its principle was to lie at the heart of astronomical measurement down to the twentieth century. [ [http://www.rod.beavon.clara.net/leonardo.htm England's Leonardo: Robert Hooke (1635-1703) and the art of experiment in Restoration England. ALLAN CHAPMAN] Retrieved2007-11-15 ]Flamsteed's Correspondence
As late as 1965, the historian Charles Webster was able to describe Towneley as "this mysterious figure of seventeenth century science" due to the fact that information about him was scattered through many works. [ Webster, Charles (1965), Archives for History of Exact Sciences, Volume 2, Number 6, Springer-Verlag, p. 471 ] . Only one complete piece of work by Towneley survives, titled "Short Considerations uppon Mr. Hookes Attempt for the Explication of Waters Ascent into small Glasse Canes with praeliminarie Discourse" and dated Ap. 20, 1667. This autograph manuscript was lot 128 in a sale of the Towneley family's manuscripts sold in 1883. [ Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, auctioneers of London, (1883) Catalogue of the Towneley Manuscripts removed from Towneley Hall Lancashire to be sold June 27 1883] According to Webster it is now in Yale University Library. [ Webster, Charles (1965), Archives for History of Exact Sciences, Volume 2, Number 6, Springer-Verlag, p. 479] Hooke's first publication, in 1661, was a pamphlet on
capillary action . [ http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/hooke.html Retrieved2008-02-17 ]In 1970,
Derek Howse brought to more general attention a collection of some seventy letters written between 1673 and 1688 byJohn Flamsteed , the first Astronomer Royal, to Towneley. This collection of letters was acquired by the Royal Society in 1891. [ Howse, Derek (1970), The Tompion Clocks at Greenwich and the dead-beat escapement, Antiquarian Horology, December 1970, p18 ] ProfessorEric G. Forbes (1933-1984) recognised that a large amount of Flamsteed's correspondence had survived and began to collect and collate copies. This important work was continued after his death and was published from 1995. [ Meadows, Jack and Howse, Derek (1995) Preface to: The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, The First Astronomer Royal Volume 1 compiled and edited by Eric G. Forbes et al, Institute of Physics Publishing.] The Flamsteed correspondence explains how Towneley and Flamsteed began a correspondence that provides a unique insight into the early years of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich.Flamsteed's first regular correspondent was John Collins(1625-1683), who corresponded extensively with many mathematicians including Towneley. [http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/node.xsp?id=EAD%2FGBR%2F0012%2FMS%20Add.%209597%2F9597%2F13%2F5%2F238-239 Retrieved
2007-11-16 ] From their correspondence it appears Flamsteed visited London in June 1670, whenJonas Moore (1617-1679) gave him the micrometer illustrated by Hooke in 1667. Both Collins and Moore advised Flamsteed to contact Towneley in order to make best use of the micrometer and Flamsteed first wrote to Towneley on 24 January 1671. [ Eric G. Forbes et al (1995), Correspondence of John Flamsteed Volume 1, Institute of Physics Publishing, p. 48, 52, 72]Flamsteed first visited Towneley Hall in 1671 to use the library there. Much later, when writing to
William Molyneux (1656-1698), Flamsteed recorded howChristopher Towneley (1604-1674) and Moore had collected the papers of Gascoigne, along with some of Horrox and Cabtree. These eventually went into the library at Towneley. Flamsteed claimed that reading Gascoigne's papers in less than two hours provided him with the foundations for his understanding of optics. [ Eric G. Forbes et al (1997), Correspondence of John Flamsteed Volume 2, Institute of Physics Publishing, p. 420-421] He returned for a longer stay in September 1672 to make measurements, together with Towneley, of the conjunction of the planet Mars with fixed stars with the intention of estimating the size of the solar system. Due to adverse weather conditions, Flamsteed only achieved his objective when he returned to Derbyshire later the same week. [ Eric G. Forbes et al (1995), Correspondence of John Flamsteed Volume 1, Institute of Physics Publishing, p. 185]Astronomy at Towneley Hall
Richard's uncle Christopher Towneley (1604-74) had befriended a number of the northern astronomers, including
Jeremiah Horrocks ,William Crabtree ,William Gascoigne and John Stephenson, and collected their papers. [ [http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/online/1500-1900/towneley/towneley000.html Scientific and antiquarian papers of Christopher and Richard Towneley, 17th-18th cent.] Oxford, Bodleian Library: Shelfmarks: MSS. Eng. c. 7031-2, Eng. d. 3537-40, Eng. e. 3387-93, French e. 41, Lat. misc. d. 100, Lat. misc. e. 133-4 Retrieved on2008-04-07 ] As an astronomer Towneley carried on the tradition of observation, that had been established in the north of England by Horrocks, Crabtree and Gascoigne based on the work ofJohannes Kepler . [http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/towneley.html Retrieved2007-11-15 ]Towneley's main astronomical work was measuring eclipses of the moons of Jupiter and Flamsteed made copies of Towneley's results taken between 9 September 1665 and 21 September 1672. Flamsteed's first task as Astronomer Royal was to continue Towneley's work on the moons of Jupiter. [ Eric G. Forbes et al (1995), Correspondence of John Flamsteed Volume 1, Institute of Physics Publishing, p. 325] The same work was also underway at the Observatoire de Paris and, in 1683, Flamsteed recorded a catalogue of eclipses of Jupiter's satellites for the following year based on communication from, amongst others, Mr Towneley. This was at the time, the best method of determining longitude and, although unsuited for use at sea, was successful in determining the true longitude of remote coasts for the correction of charts. [ Flamsteed, John (1683) Philosophical Transactions Vol. 13 No. 154, p. 404-412]
A regular topic of the Flamsteed letters was the weather and how clouds had prevented measurement. In this respect, Towneley had two particular pieces of luck with weather in Lancashire. The first concerned a solar eclipse on 1st June 1676. The new Observatory at Greenwich was nearing completion and it was decided that this eclipse was a fitting occasion for the inaugural observations. The King had said he would like to be present. [ Howse, Derek (1970), The Tompion Clocks at Greenwich and the dead-beat escapement, Antiquarian Horology, December 1970, p24-25 ] The day turned out to be cloudy at Greenwich and there was no Royal presence. Flamsteed was still able to report the event using the data recorded in Lancashire by Towneley. [ Flamsteed, John (1676), Philosophical Transactions Vol. 11 No. 127, p. 662-64 ] The second event concerned a
transit of Mercury on 28th October 1677. In Lancashire, Towneley was able to observe the sun through "flying clouds" during the last part of the event and was able to time Mercury's exit. Neither Greenwich nor Paris were so lucky as clouds covered most of Europe. There was only one other European report of Mercury's exit, from Avignon, butEdmund Halley much further south onSt Helena was able to record the entire event. [ Eric G. Forbes et al (1997), Correspondence of John Flamsteed Volume 2, Institute of Physics Publishing, p. 624-627]The Tompion Clocks at Greenwich and the Dead-beat Escapement
Once at Greenwich, Flamsteed asked Towneley to help him prove that the Earth rotated at a constant speed. Towneley designed a novel clock
escapement for this purpose and two astronomical clocks were commissioned to his design from the clockmakerThomas Tompion and installed at theGreenwich Observatory . The clocks were paid for by SirJonas Moore , Surveyor General of the King's Ordnance and a friend of Towneley. Towneley had recognised that the second hand of pendulum clocks, using ananchor escapement , jerked backward due to recoil. Towneley's design eliminated the recoil and was the first of a kind that came to be known as a deadbeat escapement. The clocks were installed on 7th July 1676.Flamsteed wrote often to Towneley about the clocks, which were made to run for a year between windings. It proved difficult to keep both clocks running for a whole year and, in January 1678, Tompion replaced the original escapement with one of his own design. The clocks eventually went for four years without stopping and Flamsteed was able to prove to his own satisfaction that the Earth rotated at a constant speed. [ Howse, Derek (1970), The Tompion Clocks at Greenwich and the dead-beat escapement, Antiquarian Horology, December 1970, p18 - 34] [Although Towneley and Tompion could be considered the first people to attempt to make a deadbeat escapement, it was only in about 1715 that
George Graham (clockmaker) created one that was truly successful.] [ Howse, Derek (1971), The Tompion Clocks at Greenwich and the dead-beat escapement Pt II, Antiquarian Horology, December 1970, p127]ystematic rainfall measurement
In 1977, British meteorologists celebrated the tercentenary of the start of systematic rainfall recording in the British Isles by Richard Towneley. [ Lewis, R.P.W. (1977), Meteorological Magazine, Vol. 106, p 378-380 ] Towneley began making regular measurements of rainfall in January 1677 and published records of monthly rainfall for 15 years from that time in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in 1694. In the report, Towneley described the measurements in great detail "to show you how little trouble there is to this task; which therefore I hope some of your ingenious friends may be persuaded to undertake". He wrote that at Towneley there was twice the quantity of rain that fell in Paris. He further claimed that the Eastern parts of Lancashire were subject to more rain than Yorkshire due to clouds driven by South West winds falling as rain on the high ground that divides the two counties. Towneley called for more measurements elsewhere to test the claim that his area had more rain than in other parts of the country. [ Towneley R. (1694), Philosophical Transactions Vol. 18 p. 52] Only
William Derham appears to have taken up Towneley's challenge and they jointly published the rainfall measurements for Towneley andUpminster in Essex for the years 1697 to 1704. [ Derham, W and Towneley, R (1704) Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775), Volume 24, pp. 1878-881. ]A local historian has suggested that Towneley was possibly prompted to maintain rainfall records in support of lime
hushing activities on his land, however there is no hard evidence to support this conjecture. [ Thornber, Titus (1987), A Pennine parish - the history of Cliviger, The Rieve Edge Press (Burnley), p 58-60] Rather there is evidence that Towneley had already expressed interest in measuring rainfall across different parts of England before 1677. In July 1676, Flamsteed promised Towneley he would take note of rainfall at Greenwich and expressed his opinion that "beyond Trent it is much more rainy than here". Flamsteed went as far as placing a rain gauge on an outhouse of the Observatory in 1677 but he never reported any measurements. [ Eric G. Forbes et al (1995), Correspondence of John Flamsteed Volume 1, Institute of Physics Publishing, p. 477 and 579]other activities
This section contains additional references from earlier versions of this page that need reviewing:Towneley had a close friendship with the Belgian mathematician,
François Walther de Sluze , [http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/towneley.html Retrieved2007-11-14 ] He also designed and built a carriage that passed smoothly over rough roads. [http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/towneley.html Retrieved2007-11-14 ]A collection of his remaining scientific papers are now in the Bodleian Library [ http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/online/1500-1900/towneley/towneley000.html Retrieved
2008-02-17 ]Later Life and Achievements
On the succession of King James II in 1685 the Catholics were again allowed to take part in public life and Richard Towneley became a
Justice of the Peace . After 1688, this brief respite for English Catholics ended, the King had to flee the country and in February 1689 he was replaced by his daughter Mary and her Protestant husband William of Orange. In 1690, Richard and his son Charles were implicated in plots to secure the return of King James II and from this time on the family were noted for their Jacobite sympathies. [http://www.burnley.gov.uk/towneley/downloads/TTv4_web.pdf Retrieved2007-11-16 ]His mother Mary died in 1690 at the age of 91.
Richard Towneley died at
York on22 January 1707 .References
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.