- List of Fablehaven animals
This is a list of magical creatures and beings in the fantasy book series Fablehaven by
Brandon Mull .A-C
;Astrids: Large golden owls with human faces featured only briefly in the third book. It is said by Ruth (Grandma) Sorenson that they are very mysterious, and that little is known about them. Kendra saw one during the time between visits to the preserve, between books 1 and 2. Seth may have also seen one in book 2, without having drunk the milk. It was in the appearance of a regular golden owl, but he knew it was not what it appeared.
;Blixes: Magical beings in human form that can exert power over others through a bite. The three blixes explained in "Rise of the Evening Star" are Viviblix - who can temporarily reanimate the dead, Narcoblix - who can control the actions of others while they are sleeping, and Lectoblix - who age quickly, and survive by draining the youth of others. Vanessa, in books 2 and 3, is a Narcoblix and bites others in their sleep in an attempt to overthrow the preserve. She is thwarted and put in the Quiet Box to keep her from controlling those she had bitten.
;Brownies: Brownies are creatures that look like humans, with the exception that they are much smaller. Brownies fix things that are broken, improving them where possible. Also, when ingredients are left out, they will bake something delicious, although they always attempt to make it into a dessert. It is mentioned by Grandma Sorenson in the second book that brownies invented the well-known, delicious dessert, brownies, which is how they got their name. In the first book, when goblins and other unfriendly creatures from Fablehaven raid and wreck the house on Midsummer's Eve, the brownies repair it in an unbeleivably short amount of time. In the second book, Kendra and Seth have to shrink themselves and pass through the Brownie community to get inside the house. In book three, the brownies become affected by the shadow plague and fill the house with deadly traps.
Centaur : Strong and intelligent beings that are part horse, and part man. The Centuars have only played a role in the third book. They are portrayed as being very noble and prideful. The three centaurs mentioned in the book are Stormbrow, Cloudwing, and Broadhoof. Seth insults Broadhoof in an attempt to have him lead a diversion assault. Because of this, Broadhoof demands that Seth owe him a duel. Patton Burgess takes the place of Seth in this duel, and defeats him. Broadhoof is later killed in Kurisock's domain in a desperate struggle between light and shadow.;
Cyclops : A one eyed giant. In "Rise of the Evening Star", Vanessa and Errol had to get past one guarding the artifact in the inverted tower. A Cyclops also appears at the final battle between dark and light creatures in "Grip of the Shadow Plague".D-F
Demon : One of the most powerful magical creatures, demons are often the villains in TheFablehaven series. Several demons are mentioned in the series. They are::*Bahumat - A monster that stands three times as tall as a man, with the head of a dragon crowned with three horns. He has three arms, three legs and three tails. He has oily black scales with bristly spikes. He is able to emit a wave of darkness to blind his foes, and has a deafening roar.:*Graulus - An ancient demon who was once one of the most feared demons in the world, but is now long past his prime. He basically made Fablehaven his home to await death. He radiates magical fear, and has the ability to see almost anything on the preserve.:*Kurisock - A demon more of shadow than substance, perhaps the least is known of him, other than being confined to his layer, which is a cursed tar pit far into the preserve. To interact with the material world he binds himself to a host, giving the host greater power.:*Lycerna - A gargantuan serpentine demon who has taken over a secret preserve inBrazil . :*Olloch - Also known as Olloch the Glutton. A frog-like monster with several flailing tongues and an insatiable appetite. If someone makes the mistake of feeding the dormant statue, Olloch will bite the feeder and eventually devour them. As he eats, he grows in size and power. In "Rise of the Evening Star" he grows in size to "much bigger than an elephant", and nearly devours Seth.;
Dragon : Large, powerful and intelligent winged reptiles. One named Chalize was guarding the artifact room at Lost Mesa in "Grip of the Shadow Plague". She was a young dragon, not more than 100 years old, more metallic than usual, with copper alloy scales. She replaced Ranticus, one of the most powerful dragons in his time. It is also discovered that the captive released from the Quiet Box is Navarog, the Dragon Prince.;Drummants: Furry little creatures that resembles tarantulas with tails. They hop around and can distort light around them, making them difficult to catch. They are nocturnal, and their bites inflict a deadly poison. The drummants in Vanessa's collection still bite, but she bred them not to be poisonous.
Dryads : Wood Nymphs, who live in the forest and dress in flowing atumnal robes. They are seen for the first time in book 3 and are described as nimble, very tall (7 feet and up) and can run swiftly through the trees. They, including Lizette, and Rhea, helped in the battle between light and dark creatures.;Dullion: A cruder form of their cousin the golem, made of less quality materials, and have no will of their own. They are usually made of natural materials and animated by a powerful spell. The only known one is made of hay and in the hands of the Society of the Evening Star. It is possible that Mendigo, an human sized, animated wooden puppet, might be considered a Dullion.
Dwarves : Short people who live underground and keep to themselves. These stalky little people first appear in book 3 - "Grip of the Shadow Plague", where they fled to the pond to avoid the plague. Some of them, wielding large hammers, also fight in the battle between light and dark creatures. A dark hooded dwarf is one of the creatures guarding the artifact in the inverted tower, but he does not make a physical appearance.;
Fairies : These magical creatures resemble tiny females with wings. They emit a gleaming light, and love their own reflection. The fairies are the first magical creatures Kendra and Seth see on the preserve, and are part of the whole story of Fablehaven more than any other magical creature. The Fairy Queen has a shrine on an island in the preserve, and makes Kendra fairykind, and one of her handmaidens. With instructions from the Fairy Queen, Kendra makes a potion that enlarges the fairies to human size. In their empowered state the fairies defeat Muriel the witch, and the demon Bahumat. In the second book, a fairy named Shiara turns Mendigo to Kendra's will. Some of the varieties of fairy identified in the books are::*"Downy Fountain Sprite" - Blue fuzzy fairies from the island of Roti:*"Banda Sea Sunwings" - Fairies with colorful, stained glass butterfly wings:*"Jinn Harp" - A rare and beautiful fairy, Jinn Harps have an amazing singing voice that mesmerizes all who hear it.:*"Nightgrifts" - Albino fairies from Borneo with black speckled moth wings.;Fog Giants: A type of giant that lives in the swampy areas of Fablehaven. They are described as powerful, brutal and blood thirsty, but also slightly dim-witted and slow. A Fog Giant named Burlox gave Coulter some vital information on the location of the hidden artifact in "Rise of the Evening Star".
Gargoyles : Gargoyles are large winged monsters. In Book 1, four of them were released with the demon Bahumat. They were quickly dispatched by the empowered fairy army.;
Goblins : Goblins are big scary creatures that are evil and tricked Seth on Midsummer's Eve. The goblins were disguised as wolves attacking a crying baby. Seth opened the window and three goblins came into the house. Voorsh and Slaggo are , the goblins who are in charge of upkeep in the dungeon. They said in the second book that they would only help Kendra and Seth escape if Grandpa gave them a goose.;
Golem : An creature made out of natural materials and given life by a powerful spell. They are typically servants who always obey their master. The only golem shown in the series so far is Hugo. True golems have a will of their own, though they are loyal to their master. True golems were thought to be extinct, but Hugo, who had originally been a copy of a true golem, and had no will of his own, was destroyed by Muriel the witch, then re-created by the fairies. It appears that they restored him as a true golem, and he is developing his own will.;
Hamadryads : Related to Dryads, only more closely tied to a specific tree, such that if the tree died, the hamadryad also died. Ephira, a cursed Hamadryad, who is mentioned in the first three books, has a significant part in "Grip of the Shadow Plague", as she was co-creator of the plague with the demon Kurisock.;Hermit Troll: In book 3, Tanu and Coulter see a mysterious creature near the Nipsies domain. They guessed it was a Hermit Troll, the smallest of the trolls. It was only about 3 feet tall, wore a black hood and moved close to the ground.
Hobgoblins : Armored snakelike men. Dale, Tanu, and Coulter had to fight one guarding the artifact in the Inverted Tower of "Rise of the Evening Star". And in "Grip of the Shadow Plague" several were guarding the black tree with the nail in the battle between light and dark creatures.;
Imps : Imps are fairies who have been captured and kept inside over night. Also considered a Fallen Fairy. Seth caught a fairy and kept it in a jar overnight and it turned into an imp. In the end of the first book, the fairies turned into life size fairies. So did the imps. In "Rise of the Evening Star" large imps attack Grandpa and breaks some of his bones, putting him in a wheelchair for most of the book. They also attempt to capture Kendra and Seth, but Mendigo stops them by breaking their arms and legs.;
Jackalope : Jackalope are rabbits with antlers. In book 3 they are found at the Lost Mesa preserve. Jackalope are said to be lucky.;Jinn: A Genie. Grandma tells the children about one they had imprisoned while giving them a tour of the dungon. She explained that he was responsible for turning her into a chicken the previous year.
Kobolds : Kobolds are evil animals, related to goblins. Kendra saw one in "Rise of the Evening Star". His name was Case and appeared as a strikingly handsome boy. Only Kendra could see him as an ugly Kobold. He had a bald head, toxic breath, and wooed some of Kendra friends out on dates.;
Minotaur : A creature that is part man, part bull. These make appearances in the second and third books. In "Rise of the Evening Star", Warren fights one who is placed to guard the way to the artifact in the inverted tower. In "Grip of the Shadow Plague", several are stationed to guard Kurisock's domain at the battle between light and dark creatures.;
Naiads : Or Water Nymphs. Beings that live underwater who live a life of mirth and frivolity. They dwell in the pond surrounding the Fairy Queen's Island Shrine. The Naiads love to make fun of anyone else, and will drown them if they had the chance. Lena, the housekeeper, is a former Naiad who became mortal when she joined Patton Burgess and became his wife. She later was restored as a Naiad at the end of Book 1.;Nipsies: Nipsies are related to brownies, but are only a quarter inch tall. They live in seven kingdoms and build their cities using natural resources. They have little magical ability, but they adept at cultivating poisonous plants to protect their domain. They are the first creatures affected by the shadow plague.
Nymphs : Immortal beings in human female form. The types of Nymphs found in Fablehaven areDryads ,Hamadryads , andNaiads .;Octobear: One of the evil creatures released with the Demon Bahumat, resembling an animal that is part bear with several tentacles like an octopus.
Ogres : Typically big and clumsy, though smaller than giants. They are known for devouring their victims. The only time they appear in the books so far is when Seth and Kendra are caught stealing stew from an Ogress's pot.P-S
Phantom : In book 2, Vanessa explains to Seth through Coulter, that she believes the cursed being in the grove guarding the secret artifact is a phantom.;
Pixie : Pixies are a type of fairy that are briefly mentioned in the first book. In book 2 Coulter describes a type of Pixie that lives in Norway that shed their wings at the onset of winter. They make a cocoon to protect them and emerge from them in the spring with a new set of wings. It's these cocoons that Coulter explains to Kendra and Seth that can envelope a person in an impervious shell. It is this shell that eventually saves Seth from being devoured by the glutton.;Revenant: A Revenant is essentially a Zombie, or a reanimated corpse. The Revenant in book 2 was a guard over the vault where the magical artifact was hidden. He radiated powerful magical fear and turned victims albino and catatonic.
Satyrs : Satyrs are part goat, part human creatures. They live fun and frivolous lives. Two Satyrs, Newel and Doren, play significant rolls in Fablehaven. They make parties more exciting, play tennis, and trade gold to Seth for batteries to power their portable TV. Kendra and Seth are introduced to Verl in book 3, who Seth figures out was the satyr equivalent of nerd.;
Sea Serpent : Sea Serpents are mentioned in book 3 by Warren.;
Skinwalker : Humans that have the ability to shapeshift into an animal. At Lost Mesa preserve, Neil revealed himself as a skinwalker and turned into a stallion to save Kendra's and other's lives.;Sprites: Related to Fairies. Vanessa tells Kendra of the Umite Sprites that dwell in hive-like communities in rain forests around the world. They make honey and wax like bees. The candle and crayon Vanessa gives Kendra is made of Umite wax.
;Swamp Hag:Found in the bogs and swamps of Fablehaven, swamp hags some times create false paths to lure traveers toword them. A swamp hag is mentioned to have trained Muriel.
;Triclops: A Mesopatamian triclops is mentioned at the museum on the Lost Mesa.
Trolls : Trolls are unfriendly creatures that live in the forest, in caves or underground. Nero is a lizard-like cliff troll with a huge hoard of treasures. With the use of a seeing stone, perhaps a crystal ball, he helps to locate Grandpa Sorenson after he was kidnapped.;Werebear: A man who can transform into a bear-like beast. A werebear helps the Sphinx escape at the end of "Grip of the Shadow Plague".
Witches : These are mortal beings who have turned to evil and dark magic. Muriel, the witch was responsible for freeing the demon Bahumat, and was imprisoned with him at the end of book 1.;Wizard's Slime: A creature resembling living pudding. Effective in extracting poison from infected tissue.
Zombies : Corpses that have been re-animated. In book 3, "Grip of the Shadow Plague", Hal introduces Kendra and Gavin to a graveyard full of buried zombies. He feeds them through tubes to keep them underground.Other Creatures
Several other magical creatures are described throughout the books. The books do not identify them by name or species, but they are worth mentioning here. They are categorized here by location seen. More creatures are seen at these locations, but if they are named, they will be listed above.
;Midsummer night's eve::* 12 foot flying centipede with 6 wings, and 6 taloned feet:* brutish monster with a pronounced underbite and plates down its spine
;Released with Bahumat::* toadlike monstrosity:* scabby beast with a white mane:* demonic dwarf with a hide of black scales:* greasy creature that looked like a turtle without a shell, and coughed globs of slime
;Vanessa's collection::* colorful lizard with three eyes that can see slightly into the future, possibly the
Tuatara :* hairless mouse that turned into a fish if dropped in water:* bat that shed its wings biweekly. The shed wings can be attached to other animals.;In the dungeon::* wolf-like creature:* birdman with the head of a seagull
;Inverted tower::* blue woman with six arms and the body of a serpent:* dark man who was human from the waist up and a spider from the waist down
;Artifact guardians::* Fablehaven - A monster cat with 9 lives. The cat started out as a simple black cat, friendly at first, until Warren removed the key hanging around its neck. Then it became fierce, but easy to kill. The dead cat melted and reformed into a larger, meaner feline. Each incarnation is larger than the previous, more vicious, and more difficult to kill. The second life is just a larger version of the first incarnation. The third had tufted ears and was as large as a lynx with disproportionately large paws and claws. The fourth life was a larger, beefed up version of the lynx, quicker, nastier. For the fifth life the cat resembled a panther, more patient and deadly. The sixth life was as big as a tiger. During the seventh life things start to get weird. It was as tall as a horse with dagger claws and saber-tooth fangs. It also had four writhing serpents growing out of its shoulders. The eighth life was much larger than a horse, had no snakes, but two heads that spit a sludge like acid. For the ninth and final life, the cat was truly a monster. It was enormous, with large wings, and twelve serpents coming out of its back. It had three tails and three heads, that spit acid like the eighth, but lots more. It took a giant sized Tanu to defeat the final life of this monster.:* Lost Mesa - Patton Burgess described it as a troop of ghostly knights, and that it was a battle he would rather forget. Tammy also mentioned a beast that was covered with so many knives, they looked like feathers, could be
Achiyalatopa .;Lost Mesa:Neil described them as "
kachinas " and other kindred spirits.:* lean, shaggy man with the head of a coyote, possiblyAkba-atatdia , or Old Man Coyote:* 8 ft. tall bear chested oaf, with a face like a mask, perhapsTonenili :* tall feathery being with the head of a hawk:* leering humpback man with a long flute, perhapsKokopelli :* body of a human female, head of a bobcat:* gigantic bronze scorpion:* broad, lumpy man with a towering forehead and deformed face:* large creature with at least 10 legs, who rippled when it moved;Lost Mesa Museum::* titanic humanoid skeleton with curved fangs:* serpentine creature with four arms:* beast with large golden antlers, possibly the
Ceryneian Hind (only the antlers were on display);Refugees at the pond::* shaggy monkey-like creatures with extra arms and legs
External links
* [http://fablehaven.com/ Official page]
* [http://www.shadowmountain.com/ Shadow Mountain]
* [http://groups.myspace.com/fablehaven Fablehaven Myspace Group]
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