- Text parser
In an
Adventure game , a text parser takes typed input (a command) from the player and simplifies it to something the game can understand. Usually, words with the same meaning are turned into the same word (e.g. "take" and "get") and certain filler words are dropped (e.g. articles, or the "at" in "look at rock").The Parser makes it easier for the game author to react on input. The game author does not have to check whether the command is "get the gem", "take the gem", "get gem", "take gem", "take the precious gem", and so on, because the Parser has already stripped that down to something like "take gem".
For the player, the game is more flexible. The player does not have to hunt for the right words, because the game understands more words.
Parsers were used in early
Interactive Fiction like theZork series and games bySierra On-Line .See also
Parser in general computer science.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.