Paolo Albertoni

Paolo Albertoni

Paolo Albertoni was an Italian painter of the late-Baroque period. He was born in Rome and trained in the studio of Carlo Maratti. He died soon after 1695. There are pictures by him in the church of San Carlo al Corso, in Santa Maria in the Campo Marzo. Santa Marta, and other churches in Rome. He frescoed for the chapel in the Palazzo Chigi in Formello .


*cite book| first=Michael| last=Bryan| year=1886| title="Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, Biographical and Critical" (Volume II: L-Z)| editor = Robert Edmund Graves| pages= pages 14-15| publisher=George Bell and Sons|location=York St. #4, Covent Garden, London; Original from Fogg Library, Digitized May 18, 2007 |id= |url=| authorlink=

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