SE scale

SE scale

Infobox Model Rail Scale
name = OO
image_filename = SE-Scale-m.jpg
image_caption = SE scale logo
widthpx = 300px
scale = 7/8" to 1ft
ratio = 1:13.7
gauge = 45mm and 32mm
prototype_gauge = 2' and 18"

SE scale is a designation used by a growing number of modellers to describe miniature (model) trains which run on either Gauge 1 45mm track or O gauge 32mm track. In SE scale, 7/8ths of an inch equals one foot, which is a ratio of 1:13.7. On 45mm gauge track this represents real life narrow gauge railroads that are 2 foot (60cm) gauge, while on 32mm gauge track this represents 18" gauge railroads in real life.

Modelling in a scale where 7/8" = 1'- 0" is relatively new (within the last 20 years) and, as a result, the majority of the modellers build from scratch.


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