- Proconsul (primate)
name = "Proconsul"
fossil_range =Miocene (27-17 MYA)
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Mammal ia
ordo =Primates
superfamilia =Hominoidea
familia = Proconsulidae (extinct)
subfamilia = Proconsulinae (extinct)
genus = "Proconsul" (extinct)
subdivision_ranks =Species (extinct)
subdivision = "Proconsul africanus "
"Proconsul nyanzae "
"Proconsul major "
"Proconsul heseloni ""Proconsul" was an early
genus ofprimate s that existed from 27 to 17 million years ago during theMiocene epoch, first inKenya , and restricted toAfrica . Four species have been classified to date ranging in size from 22-84 lbs (10-40 kg). They inhabited rainforests.They had a mixture of
Old World monkey andape characteristics, so their placement in the ape superfamily Hominoidea is tentative; some scientists place "Proconsul" outside of Hominoidea, before the split of the apes and Old World monkeys. If "Proconsul" is not an ape, then it would be somewhat closely related to "Aegyptopithecus "."Proconsul's" monkey-like features include thin tooth enamel, a light build with a narrow chest and short forelimbs, and an
arboreal quadrupedal lifestyle. Its ape-like features are its lack of a tail, ape-like elbows, and a slightly larger brain relative to body size.Discovery and classification
The first specimen, a partial jaw discovered in 1909 by a gold prospector at
Koru , nearKisumu in western Kenya, was also the oldest fossil hominoid known until recently, and the first fossil mammal ever found in sub-Saharan Africa. The name, Proconsul, was devised byArthur Hopwood in 1933 [Virginia Morell, "Ancestral Passions", Copyright 1995] and means "before Consul." At the time Consul was being used as a circus name for performing chimpanzees. TheFolies Bergère of 1903 inParis had a popular performingchimpanzee named Consul, and so did the Belle Vue Zoo inManchester , England, in 1894. On the latter's death in that year Ben Brierley wrote a commemorative poem wondering where the "Missing Link " between chimpanzees and men was.Hopwood in 1931 had discovered the fossils of three individuals while expeditioning with
Louis Leakey in the vicinity ofLake Victoria . The Consul that he selected to use in the name was neither of the ones mentioned above, but another located in theLondon Zoo . Consul is being used Linnaean-style to symbolize thechimpanzee . Proconsul is therefore "ancestral to the Chimpanzee" in Hopwood's words. He also added africanus as the species name. It was the only one known at the time.Other fossils discovered later were initially classified as africanus and subsequently reclassified; that is, the total pool of fossils originally considered "africanus" was "split" and the fragments "lumped" with other finds to create a new species. For example, Mary Leakey's famous find of 1948 began as "africanus" and was split from it to be lumped with Thomas Whitworth's finds of 1951 as "heseloni" by Alan Walker in 1993. This process creates some confusion for the public, which is told that "africanus" became "heseloni". The finds from Koru and Songhor are still considered "africanus". Four species are still defined even though many fossils have jumped species.
The family of Proconsulidae was first proposed by Louis leakey 1962, eleven years after he and Wilfrid Le Gros Clark had defined africanus, nyanzae and major. It was not immediately accepted but ultimately prevailed.
The history of hominoid classification in the second half of the 20th century is sufficiently complex to warrant a few books itself. Most of the palaeoanthropologists have changed their minds at least once as new fossils have come to light and new observations have made, and will probably continue to do so. The classifications found in the literature of one decade are not generally the same as those of another. [A recapitulation of the changing classifications of fossils at some time regarded as Proconsul can be found in " [http://books.google.com/books?id=LTG0GnSEiKUC&pg=RA2-PA23&lpg=RA2-PA23&dq=%22proconsul+nyanzae%22&source=web&ots=52esPJKbZy&sig=LhLrdo2jRrlS2wDggr3RAvzBST8#PRA2-PA15,M1 Seven Decades of East African Miocene Anthropoid Studies] ", by Russel H. Tuttle, in "Human Origins and Environmental Backgrounds", Springer, 2006, ISBN 0387296387. Much of the section is to be found as an online review at Google Books.] For example, in 1987 Peter Andrews and Lawrence Martin, established palaeontologists, took the point of view that Proconsul is not a Hominoid, but is a sister taxon to it. [" [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WJS-4F1SV8P-7&_user=10&_coverDate=01%2F31%2F1987&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=12ec67351b34b528e7cce606a655d906 Cladistic relationships of extant and fossil hominoids] ", abstract of article in "Journal of Human Evolution" Volume 16, Issue 1 , January 1987, Pages 101-118. They also believed at that time that humans and African apes formed distinct clades.]
*Alan Walker, Pat Shipman, "The APE in the TREE: An Intellectual & Natural History of Proconsul", The BELKNAP PRESS of HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, 2005, ISBN 0-674-01675-0. A preview with excerpt is given at [http://www.hup.harvard.edu/pdf/WALAPE_excerpt.pdf] , Harvard University Press site.
External links
* [http://www.fmnh.helsinki.fi/users/haaramo/Metazoa/Deuterostoma/Chordata/Synapsida/Eutheria/Primates/Anthropoidea.htm Anthropoidea - monkeys and apes] , Mikkos's Phylogeny Archive
* [http://www.anat.ucl.ac.uk/research/dean/references/beynon_etal_jhe35.pdf Comparative dental development and microstructure of Proconsul teeth from Rusinga Island, Kenya] , research article by A. D. Beynon et al. at theUniversity College London site.
* [http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/formViewCharacteristic.cgi?table=Publication&link1=Browse&link2=Results&link3=Biography&id=1590&nav=p1 Walker, Alan] , an extensive Proconsul bibliography in the publications of Walker listed at the isiknowledge.com site. Many of these are on line; however, this is a subscription site only.
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