- The Samson Option (book)
Infobox Book
name = The Samson Option
title_orig =
translator =
image_caption =
author =Seymour Hersh
illustrator =
cover_artist =
country =United States
language = English
series =
genre =Non-fiction
publisher =Random House
release_date =1991
media_type = Print (Hardback)
pages = 362 pp
isbn = ISBN 0-394-57006-5
preceded_by =
followed_by ="The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy" is a
1991 book bySeymour Hersh . It details the history of Israel's nuclear weapons program and its effects on Israel-American relations. The book's title, theSamson Option , refers to thenuclear strategy whereby Israel would launch a massive nuclear retaliatory strike if the state itself was being overrun, just as the Biblical figureSamson is said to have pushed apart the pillars of a Philistine temple, bringing down the roof and killing himself and thousands of Philistines who had gathered to see him humiliated.According to "
The New York Times ", Hersh relied onAri Ben-Menashe , a former Israeli government employee who says he worked for Israeli intelligence, for much of his information on the state of the Israeli nuclear program. However, Hersh confirmed all of this information with at least one other source.cite news | title= Israeli Nuclear Arsenal Exceeds Earlier Estimates, Book Reports | publisher= The New York Times | url= http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CE6DA1F3CF933A15753C1A967958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=1 |date=1991-10-20 | accessdate=2007-11-13 ] Hersh did not travel toIsrael to conduct interviews for the book, believing that he might have been subject to theIsraeli Military Censor . Nevertheless, he did interview Israelis in theUnited States andEurope during his three years of research.Critical reception
Yale professorGaddis Smith reviewed the book for "Foreign Affairs ", calling it a "fascinating work of investigative history" that succeeded in sifting "hard fact from the decade's rumors and half-confirmed reports" on the Israeli program. [cite web | title= The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal And American Foreign Policy | publisher= Foreign Affairs | url= http://www.foreignaffairs.org/19920301fabook6171/seymour-m-hersh/the-samson-option-israel-s-nuclear-arsenal-and-american-foreign-policy.html |date= Spring 1992| accessdate=2007-11-13 ]New Scientist 's review stated that the book "breaks new ground" by revealing that "US officials helped to suppress the information they gathered on Dimona," i.e, Israel'sNegev Nuclear Research Center. [Dan Charles, [http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg13217965.400-review-israel-has-its-nuclear-demons-.html Review: Israel has its nuclear demons] , issue 1796 of New Scientist magazine, 23 November 1991, page 58.] The book spent three weeks onPublishers Weekly 's bestseller list. [ [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/product-description/0394570065 Amazon listing] ]Some Jewish and Israeli publications were much more critical of the book.
AIPAC 's newsletter "Near East Report" said that the book has "many inaccuracies," [ [http://www.jonathanpollard.org/1999/012299c.htm JonathanPollard.org] ] and "The Jerusalem Report " said that it was "yet another pretentious, self-serving and therefore unreliable effort to stir up a controversy for its own sake and make a fast buck." [cite web | title= Nuclear Sham | publisher= The Jerusalem Report | url= http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/jrep/access/468753031.html?dids=468753031:468753031&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&date=Nov+7%2C+1991&author=Avner+Yaniv&pub=The+Jerusalem+Report&edition=&startpage=37&desc=Nuclear+Sham |date= 1991-11-07| accessdate=2007-11-14 ]Hersh revelations and allegations
Random House boasted on the inside folds of the cover that "The Samson Option" “reveals many startling events,” among them:
* How Israel stole United Statessatellite reconnaissance intelligence and used it to target theSoviet Union .
* How Israeli Prime MinisterYitzhak Shamir directed that some of the intelligence stolen by American spyJonathan Pollard be turned over to the Soviet Union.
* How Israel created a false control room at the Dimona nuclear facility to hide from American nuclear inspectors its use in creating nuclear weapons.
* How PresidentDwight Eisenhower ’s administration tried and failed to force Israel to acknowledge its nuclear ambitions.
* How Israel threatened to use nuclear weapons on the third day of the 1973Yom Kippur War , blackmailing U.S. PresidentRichard Nixon into airlifting military supplies.
* How Israel used a topLondon newspaper editor to captureMordecai Vanunu .
* How a top American Democratic Party fund-raiser influenced the White House while raising money for the Israeli bomb.
* How American intelligence finally learned the truth about Dimona.The
American Library Association book review lists additional “significant revelations” in the book:
* Fuller details about the Israeli bombing of theIraq i nuclear facility in 1981.
* That Israel collaborated withSouth Africa on anuclear test over theIndian Ocean in 1979. (Now disputed. See nuclear.)
* That during the 1991Gulf War Israel pointed nuclear armed mobile missiles at Iraq.
* That Israel holds a fewneutron bomb s in additional to several hundred other nuclear weapons.
* That U.S. policy towards Israel’s nuclear program "was not just one of benign neglect: it was a conscious policy of ignoring reality." [Benjamin Segedin, [http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg13217965.400-review-israel-has-its-nuclear-demons-.html Review of The Samson Option : Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy by Hersh, Seymour M.] , American Library Association Booklist, November 15, 1991.]The New Scientist book review lists specific examples of U.S. official’s suppression of information:
* CIA analysts kept quiet about what they found inLookheed U-2 spy plane photographs of Dimona during the 1950s.
*Lewis Strauss , chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission during the 1950s, probably knew about and supported the Israeli nuclear weapons program.The review also notes the revelation that U.S. President
John F. Kennedy attempted to persuade Israel to abandon its nuclear program, and angry notes were exchanged between Kennedy and Israeli PremierDavid Ben-Gurion in 1963.Other notable allegations in "The Samson Option" include:
* The U.S. did not understand that Israel saw the Soviet Union as its number one threat; that even before he became President Nixon’sNational Security Advisor Henry Kissinger had told Israeli leaders that the U.S. would not help Israel if the Soviets attacked it; that Israeli missiles targeted the Soviet Union from 1971 on; that the Soviets had added four Israeli cities to their target list; that the Soviets had threatened Israel after the 1973 war because Israel kept breaking ceasefires with Egypt. [Seymour Hersh, "The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy," Random House, 1991, 17, 66, 174-75, 177, 216, 220, 232.]
* TheWhite House under Kennedy was “fixated” upon what to do about Israel’s nuclear weapons. However, none of the prominent Kennedy biographers, includingArthur Schlesinger andTheodore C. Sorensen mentioned the fact. [Seymour Hersh, 100.]
*In December 1960 U.S. Atomic Energy CommissionJohn A. McCone revealedCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA) information about Israel's Dimona nuclear weapons plant to theNew York Times . Hersh writes that Kennedy appointed McConeDirector of Central Intelligence in part because of his willingness to deal with Israeli and other nuclear issues - and despite the fact that McCone was a Republican. McCone resigned as director in 1965, feeling unappreciated by PresidentLyndon B. Johnson , who he complained would not read his reports, including on the need for full-fledged inspections of Israeli nuclear facilities. [Seymour Hersh, 72-73, 105, 120, 151.]
* President Johnson suppressed the January, 1965 [http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB1/nhch7_1.htm Gilpatric report] which called for tough anti-nuclear proliferation efforts, including against Israel, because he feared backlash from American Jews. In June 1965 SenatorRobert F. Kennedy publicly called for many of the report’s recommendations, invoking his assassinated brother’s name, thus provoking Johnson to further bury the report. [Seymour Hersh, 151-152.]
* Hersh alleges that the Soviets learned about and communicated toEgypt ian PresidentAnwar Sadat Israeli threats to use the Samson Option in the 1973 war. [Seymour Hersh, 227.]
*Menachem Begin ’s conservative party coalition, which took power in 1977, was more committed to “the Samson Option and the necessity for an Israeli nuclear arsenal” than the Labor Party. Rather than merely react to attack, they intended to “use Israeli might to redraw the political map of the Middle East.” Begin, who hated the Soviet Union, immediately targeted more Soviet cities with nuclear weapons. [Seymour Hersh, 259-260.]
* Hersh includes two threatening sounding quotations from Israeli leaders. He writes that a “former Israeli govt official” with “first hand knowledge of his government’s nuclear weapons program” told him: "We can still remember the smell of Auschwitz and Treblinka. Next time we’ll take all of you with us." [Seymour Hersh, 42.] And he quotes then Israeli defense ministerAriel Sharon as saying: "We are much more important than (Americans) think. We can take the Middle East with us whenever we go." [Seymour Hersh, 289.]Controversies
py allegation
Hersh stated in "The Samson Option" that the foreign editor of the British "
Daily Mirror ",Nicholas Davies , told theMossad in 1986 the name of the hotel in which Israeli nuclear technicianMordechai Vanunu was hiding.cite news | title= Britain Urged to Investigate Spy Allegations | publisher= The New York Times | url= http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CE7DB1338F930A15753C1A967958260 |date=1991-10-23 | accessdate=2007-11-13 ] Vanunu was in the process of revealing information on the Israeli nuclear program to "The Sunday Times ", but was subsequently kidnapped and smuggled to Israel by the Mossad. Hersh further stated that Davies was involved in Israeli arms sales, and that his boss,Robert Maxwell also had ties to the Mossad. He received this information from Ben-Menashe and fromJanet Fielding , Davies' former wife.cite news | title= Media Baron Sues Seymour Hershs | publisher= The Washington Post | url= http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/washingtonpost/access/74746795.html?dids=74746795:74746795&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&date=Oct+25%2C+1991&author=Glenn+Frankel&pub=The+Washington+Post+(pre-1997+Fulltext)&edition=&startpage=b.01&desc=Media+Baron+Sues+Seymour+Hersh |date=1991-10-25 | accessdate=2007-11-13 ]Both Davies and Maxwell immediately rejected the allegations, calling them "a complete and total lie" a "ludicrous, a total invention" respectively. On
October 23 ,1991 they filed a libel suit against the book's British publisher, Faber & Faber Ltd., and two days later they filed another libel suit against Hersh himself. [cite news | title= Two British Newsmen Accuse Author of Libel| publisher= The New York Times | url= http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CE0D81F3FF936A15753C1A967958260 |date=1991-10-25 | accessdate=2007-11-13 ] Davies never pursued his case, and Maxwell died the following month. In August 1994 the Mirror Group settled Maxwell's suit, paying Hersh and Faber & Faber damages, covering their legal costs, and issuing a formal apology. [cite news | title= U.S. Author Gets Apology In Libel Case | publisher= The New York Times | url= http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A05EFD61F30F93AA2575BC0A962958260&n=Top/Reference/Times%20Topics/People/H/Hersh,%20Seymour |date=1994-8-19 | accessdate=2007-11-13 ]Two British MPs asked for further investigations into the book's revelations. Labor Party MP
George Galloway proposed an independent tribunal to investigate the extent of foreign intelligence penetration of Maxwell's Mirror Group. Conservative Party MPRupert Allason asked for theDepartment of Trade and Industry to see if potential arms sales to Iran had violated a UN embargo.Pollard information
In "The Samson Option" Hersh cites Ben-Menashe and an anonymous Israeli source in stating that US intelligence information stolen by convicted spy
Jonathan Pollard had been "sanitized" and given by Israeli Prime MinisterYitzhak Shamir directly to theSoviet Union . This information was said to include US data and satellite pictures which were used by US forces for nuclear targeting against the USSR. These claims were subsequently denied by the military aide to Shamir, the then Defense MinisterYitzhak Rabin , the Soviet official who was said to have received the information, and a Washington official. [cite news | title= Did Shamir Give Away Secrets?| publisher= Time | url= http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,974135,00.html |date=1991-10-28 | accessdate=2007-11-14 ]Gates arms deals
Because Hersh named Ben-Menashe as a major source of the book, other allegations by the former Israeli official were granted greater attention.cite news | title= Will Gates Be Given the Gate? | publisher= Time | url= http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,974269,00.html |date=
1991-11-11 | accessdate=2007-11-14 ] Among other things, Menashe had claimed thatRobert Gates , then in Senate hearings to be confirmed as the director of theCIA , had been involved in "illegal arms shipments to Iraq" during the 1980s. However, Gates was confirmed after the Senate Intelligence Committee could not substantiate the claims.Table of Contents
*1. A Secret Agreement
*2. The Scientist
*3. The French Connection
*4. First Knowledge
*5. Internal Wars
*6. Going Public
*7. Dual Loyalty
*8. A Presidential Struggle
*9. Years of Pressure
*10. The Samson Option
*11. Playing the Game
*12. The Ambassador
*13. An Israeli Decision
*14. A Presidential Gift
*15. The Tunnel
*16. Prelude to War
*17. Nuclear Blackmail
*18. Injustice
*19. The Carter Malaise
*20. An Israeli Test
*21. Israel's Nuclear Spy
*22. An Israeli AssetReferences
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