Nat Shin Naung

Nat Shin Naung

King Nat Shin Naung is considered by many to be the greatest "yadu" (a classical genre of poetry) poet in Burmese history. He was King of Taungoo. Many of his works are dedicated to a princess named Yarza Datu Kalyar. The themes of his poetry were often of love, nature, and war.

Nat Shin Naung employed the use of vocabulary and rhymes in his works. In addition, he was a warrior, who advanced many military strategies and tactics of Burma. Some of his "yadu" poems describe the infantry and the elephant troops. It has been claimed that Nat Shin Naung sent his poems to Yarzu Datu Kalyar through the usage of a parrot. He wrote all of his works during his youth.

Later in life, Nat Shin Naung focused on obtaining power for his kingdom. His poems on war are said to have been based on his experiences as a young prince. Nat Shin Naung, with the help of Portuguese delegate Philip de Brito, tried to expand the boundaries of the Taungoo Kingdom. The border expansion was successful, until King Anaupatlun executed the duo of high treason.

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