Farangbaia Forest Reserve

Farangbaia Forest Reserve

Farangbaia Forest Reserve is a forest reserve with a rainforest ecosystem in Sierra Leone. The Reserve covers an area of 1,260 hectares, is located approximately 10km to the south-east of the town of Bumbuna and forms part of the catchment area for the Seli River. Since the out brake of Sierra Leone civil war in 1991 much of the reserve has become farmland and bush forest and there a number sawmills operating there. [ [http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2005/03/10/000012009_20050310125349/Rendered/INDEX/E10920V2.txt "Bumbuna Hydroelectric Project Environmental Impact Assessment"] , Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone via The World Bank (2005), retrieved on 11 November 2007] [ [http://sea.unep-wcmc.org/wdbpa/sitedetails.cfm?siteid=29980&level=nat "World Database on Protected Areas: Site Information"] , UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre, retrieved on 11 November 2007]


ee also

Protected areas of Sierra Leone

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