Glass-to-metal seal — Glass to metal seals are a very important element of the construction of vacuum tubes, electric discharge tubes, incandescent light bulbs, glass encapsulated semiconductor diodes, reed switches, pressure tight glass windows in metal cases, and… … Wikipedia
Glass-coated wire — Glass coating is a process invented in 1924 by G. F. Taylor and converted into production machine by Ulitovski for producing fine glass coated metal filaments only a few micrometres in diameter. In this process, known as the Taylor wire or… … Wikipedia
Tube socket — Left to right: octal (top and bottom view), loctal, and miniature (top and side view) sockets. An early transistor socket and an IC socket are included for comparison. Tube sockets are electrical sockets into which vacuum tubes (also known as… … Wikipedia
Glass beadmaking — The technology for glass beadmaking is among the oldest human arts, dating back 30,000 years (Dubin, 1987). Glass beads have been dated back to at least Roman times. Perhaps the earliest glass like beads were Egyptian faience beads, a form of… … Wikipedia
Tube furnace — In solid state chemistry, a tube furnace is a heating device for conducting syntheses and purifications of inorganic compounds and occasionally in organic synthesis. The usual design consists of a cylindrical cavity surrounded by heating coils,… … Wikipedia
glass electrode — noun : an electrode that consists typically of a glass tube sealed at the bottom with a thin walled glass bulb containing a solution of constant pH (as a chloride buffer) and a silver silver chloride reference electrode and that is immersed in an … Useful english dictionary
Glass-ceramic-to-metal seals — Glass to metal seals have been around for many years, with one of the most common uses being lamp bulb seals. A more recent invention is glass ceramic to metal seals.Properties Glass ceramics are polycrystalline ceramic materials prepared by the… … Wikipedia
glass blowing — glass blowing, the art or process of shaping glass objects by blowing air from the mouth through a tube into a bulb of molten glass at the other end of the tube … Useful english dictionary
glass — [ glas ] n. m. • 1628 glace; all. Glas, glass 1886 d apr. l angl. ♦ Arg. Vieilli Verre (d une boisson alcoolisée). Des glass. ⊗ HOM. Glace. ⇒GLASS, subst. masc. Pop. Verre à boire : • POTIRON. C est moi qui fais le chef d orchestre. VANDERAGUE.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
tube´like´ — tube «toob, tyoob», noun, verb, tubed, tub|ing. –n. 1. a long pipe of metal, glass, rubber, plastic, or other material. Tubes are used especially to carry or contain a liquid or gas. 2. a small cylinder of thin, easily bent metal with a cap that… … Useful english dictionary