

Infobox Settlement
official_name = Vlist

flag_size = 120x100px
image_shield = Arms Vlist.jpg
shield_size = 120x100px

mapsize = 280px
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = Netherlands
subdivision_type1 = Province
subdivision_name1 = South Holland
area_footnotes = (2006)
area_total_km2 = 56.52
area_land_km2 = 53.79
area_water_km2 = 2.73
population_as_of = 1 January, 2007
population_note = Source: CBS, [http://statline.cbs.nl/ Statline] .
settlement_type = Municipality
population_total = 9817
population_density_km2 = 183
timezone = CET
utc_offset = +1
timezone_DST = CEST
utc_offset_DST = +2
latd = 51.97
latNS = N
longd = 4.82
longEW = E
website = [http://www.gemvlist.nl www.gemvlist.nl]

Vlist (pronunciation|Nl-Vlist.ogg) is a village and municipality in the western Netherlands, in the province of South Holland. The municipality covers an area of 56.52 km² (of which 2.73 km² is water) and had a population of 9,803 in 2004.

On January 1, 1985, the municipalities of Haastrecht, Stolwijk, and Vlist were merged and the new municipality was named after the little river Vlist.

The municipality of Vlist includes the population centres of Haastrecht, Stolwijk, and Vlist.

External links

* [http://www.gemvlist.nl Official Website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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