The power transfer

The power transfer

"The Power Transfer" is the episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers where Jason, Zack and Trini goes to the peace conference in Geneva and transfers their powers to Rocky, Adam, and Aisha.


Jason, Zack, and Trini are chosen for the World Peace Conference in Switzerland. This means the Power Rangers are going to need a trio of replacements. But first, in order to transfer the powers to anyone else, our six heroes must travel across the galaxy, to a place called the Deserted Planet.

There, they attempt to locate the fabled Sword Of Light. The Rangers aren't alone on the Deserted Planet, as Lord Zedd & Goldar have followed in their very own, massive evil Zord, called Serpentera. So big, it not only can crush the Red Dragon Thunderzord & Tor the Shuttlezord in one of its clawed feet, but it does just that!

Back on Earth, to prevent Zordon from choosing any replacements, Baboo & Squatt activate the Sleep Machine, which knocks out most of Angel Grove. Rocky, Adam, and Aisha (having recently transferred to Angel Grove High School from Stone Canyon for reasons never disclosed) are spared, and try to destroy the machine, only to end up captured by Putties.

Elsewhere, just when the Power Rangers locate the Sword Of Light, Zedd fires Serpentera's laser-breath, thus obliterating most of the Deserted Planet.

Rocky, Adam, and Aisha face the same slumbering fate as the rest of the city, until Adam's soccer skills helps to take out the Sleep Machine. Meanwhile, across the galaxy, the Power Rangers barely manage to snag the Sword Of Light and teleport away before the entire Deserted Planet is melted into slag by Lord Zedd's Zord, Serpentera.

Now able to complete the Power Transfer, the replacement Rangers, Rocky, Adam, & Aisha, are infused with the Red, Black, Yellow and Rangers energies, respectively. Their first mission comes instantly, as Zedd sends the Silver Horns monster down to attack the city.

As if the Thunderzords didn't have enough trouble, Serpentera returns, but thanks to its blowing up of the Deserted Planet and round trips across the universe, it quickly runs out of energy and retreats. Jason, Zack, and Trini depart to the airport, with their former teammates and former best friends watching from VERY afar on the Viewing Globe.


*Footage of Jason (Austin St. John), Trini (Thuy Trang), and Zack (Walter Emmanuel Jones) for this episode is recycled from both parts of "Green No More".
*This episode features the most Rangers from a single team morphed at one time, weighing in at nine (Tommy, Kim, Billy, Jason, Trini, Zack, Aisha, Rocky, and Adam).


*Tommy wears absolutely no white in this episode or next due to the footage recycling.
*After the three Ranger teens are announced as the Angel Grove representatives to the Peace Summit, the tv repeats dialogue that had preceded the announcement.
*Zordon introduced Tor to the Rangers, despite the fact that the Rangers already used him against giant Four Head, in "A Monster of Global Proportions"
*Zack's hair is back to a flat-top haircut instead of the dreadlocks that Walter Jones had at the time due to footage recycling.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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