Fort Pentagouet

Fort Pentagouet

Fort Pentagouet was a French constructed fort from the early times of Acadia. The French were expanding their activities into the Penobscot area which was a rich fur trading area. The fort was situated near present day Castine, Maine and represented the western boundary of Acadia.

Construction was undertaken over a period of time after 1613 by Claude de Saint-Étienne de la Tour with probable assistance from his son, Charles de Saint-Étienne de la Tour. The fort was a combined fortified trading post and fishing station. The location is often described as the first permanent settlement in New England.

About 1626, the French were routed on behalf of the Plymouth Colonists and possession remained in British hands until 1635, although control of the area had formally been given back to France by treaty, and more specifically to the control of the Compagnie des Cent-Associés, in 1630. In 1635, Acadian governor, Isaac de Razilly sent Charles de Menou d'Aulnay to re-establish French control.

Some details about ensuing years are well documented. On September 2, 1654, British colonial troops under Robert Sedgwick drove the French out and sacked the fort. The Treaty of Breda in 1667, returned Acadian territory to the French but because the settlements were not specified, Pentagouet was finally under French rule again on 17 July 1670. We also know that In 1671, the Intendant of New France, Jean Talon, sent Hugues Randin to the western boundary of Acadia do a condition report on the fort.

The fort was captured by Dutch navy captain Jurriaen Aernoutsz in 1674 during the Franco-Dutch War. Aernoutsz also captured Fort Jemseg, and claimed Acadia as the Dutch colony of New Holland. However, once Aernoutsz himself left Acadia in search of new Dutch settlers, administrator John Rhoades was unable to maintain control of Acadia, which quickly reverted back to France after Rhoades was captured by the English. The Netherlands continued to claim sovereignty over the region on paper, appointing Cornelius Van Steenwyk as governor in 1676. Steenwyk sent a Dutch expedition to reclaim Pentagouet, although this attempt was rebuffed by three British warships from Boston. The Dutch colonial claim over Acadia was surrendered in 1678 by the Treaties of Nijmegen.

See also

List of Acadian governors

External links

* [ "Isaac de Razilly"]
* [ "Claude de Saint-Étienne"]
* [ "New Horizons - Fort Pentagouet"]

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