

Hamnuna (Hebrew: המנונא) is the name of several rabbis in the Talmud.

* Hamnuna Sabba ("the elder"). Mid third century of the common era. A pupil of Rav (BK 106a). After Rav, he became the head of the rabbinical academy at Sura. The Talmud contains many halakhic rulings, aggadot and prayers from him. He was an associate of Rav Chisda.

* Hamnuna (early 4th century CE amora, Talmudic sage). According to the Talmud he grew up in Harpania, Babylonia, and later moved to Harta of Argiz, near Baghdad. He also was a colleague of Rav Chisda, and was a pupil of under Rabbi Judah and Ulla (Yev. 17a).

* Hamnuna Zuta ("the younger"), late fourth century of the common era. A confession prayer he was fond of reciting on Yom Kippur eventually became part of the liturgy of the Yom Kippur prayer service.

* According to the Encyclopedia Judaica, "Other amoraim of the same name, some with and some without appellations, who lived in the third and fourth centuries and whom it is difficult to identify, are referred to in the Talmudic sources."

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