

company_name = Emfesz
company_type = private
foundation = 2003
location = Budapest, Hungary
key_people = István Góczi, CEO
num_employees = 4.000 (2006)
revenue = US$ 770 million (2006)
industry = Natural gas
products = Natural gas
homepage = [http://www.emfesz.hu http://www.emfesz.hu]

Emfesz is the largest natural gas distributor in Hungary with an annual quantity of 2.3 billion m3 from the national 14 - 15 billion m3 thus resulting a 20% market share. It reported $779 million in turnover for 2006.

Emfesz is 100% owned by Group DF, the holding company for Ukrainian businessman Dmitry Firtash.

Emfesz has a contract with gas trader RosUkrEnergo, 45% of which is owned by Firtash, for natural gas deliveries from Turkmenistan. Beginning in late 2005, some of that gas is then resold by Emfesz to Poland.

EMFESZ power plant

In November 2007, the company announced that it will borrow US$ 2 billion for the construction of a gas fired power plant of 2.400 MW in Hungary. In May 2008, the company announced that constructing of the power plant starts in 2009. The purchase of the plant's field from farmers have recently started. There will be 3 pieces of 800 MW powered turbines, and will be Hungary's largest power plant by 2013. The first turbine will be in operation by 2011. The power plant will take place in Nyírtass, 2000-dwellers located town next to the Ukrainian border. The construction gives job for 3000 people.

A former high voltage line help to place the power plant there, because since 1970's Ukraine was a large electricity supplier of Hungary through the Albertirsa-Zahidno Ukrainskaya 750 kV transmission line. This line helps to transmission this large amount of energy to central Hungary, to Budapest and to other large towns.

External links

* [http://www.emfesz.hu Official site]
* [http://groupdf.com/emfesz.asp Group DF - Emfesz]
* [http://www.emfesz.hu/index.php?id=78&lang=en&option=com_content&task=view EMFESZ power plant]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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