Catherine Allégret

Catherine Allégret

Catherine Allégret (born 16 April 1946 in Neuilly-sur-Seine) is a French actress. She is the daughter of Simone Signoret and Yves Allégret.

In 2004, she published a book in which she contended that she had been sexually abused by her stepfather Yves Montand since the age of 5.

In 2007, she portrayed Édith Piaf's grandmother Louise Gassion, in Olivier Dahan's take at the famous "chanteuse"'s biopic "La Vie En Rose" ("La Môme" in French).

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  • Catherine Allégret — (* 16. April 1946 in Neuilly sur Seine) ist eine französische Schauspielerin. Die Tochter von Simone Signoret und Yves Allégret sowie die Stieftochter von Yves Montand wird als jugendliche Partnerin Jacques Perrins, das Mädchen Bambi, in Costa… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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