

Ayala may refer to the following:


*Ciudad Ayala, Morelos, Mexico
*Ayala, a town in Álava province, Spain
*Ayala Center, the Philippines


*Jaime Zobel de Ayala, Filipino businessman, founder of Ayala Corporation, 2007's No.1 Richest in the Philippines
*Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, current CEO of Ayala Corporation, son of Jaime Zobel de Ayala
*Fernando Zobel de Ayala, brother of Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala
*Anna Ayala, U.S. criminal, known from the "Wendy's chili finger" incident
*Bobby Ayala, Major League pitcher
*Celso Ayala, Paraguayan soccer player
*Eligio Ayala, President of Paraguay 1923–1924
*Eusebio Ayala, President of Paraguay 1921–1923
*Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala (c. 1550–after 1616), indigenous Peruvian chronicler during the Spanish conquest
*Francisco Ayala, novelist
*Francisco J. Ayala, Spanish-American biologist and philosopher
*Inés Ayala, Spanish politician
*Joey Ayala, Filipino musician
*Josué Ayala, Argentine footballer
*Lucas Ayala, Argentine footballer
*Luis Ayala (born 1978), American-Mexican baseball pitcher
*Luis Ayala (born 1932), Chilean professional tennis player
*Paco Ayala, Mexican musician, bassist, guitarist and vocalist of Molotov
*Paulie Ayala, Mexican-American former boxer
*Pero López de Ayala, Castilian chronicler, diplomat, and poet (1332–1407)
*Ramón Ayala, Mexican accordionist and songwriter
*Raymond Ayala, Daddy Yankee
*Roberto Fabián Ayala, Argentinian International footballer
*Rubén Ayala, Argentine football footballer
*Tony Ayala Jr., a former middleweight boxer


*Ayala Avenue, the Philippines


*Ayala Corporation
*Ayala High School, California, USA
*Lieutenant Ayala, a fictional character on ""
*Antoine Ayala is the fictional head of a world government in H.G.Wells's The Shape of Things to Come
* Ayala (איילה), the Hebrew word for Doe, is a common female first name in Israel

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